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King Kylie 🤑: stormi is growing to quickly, can't believe she'll be in school and then she'll be out of the house
JuJu 🎶: you sure you're not pregnant again?
Sel 💃: no, I get what you mean
Kenny 🌻: ???
Sel 💃: when Sabrina was saying we're her childhood idols it made me realise that we are all heading towards 30 and are no longer the teenagers we used to be like half of you have a steady relationship or a child and I don't think I'm ready in a sense to get old
Tay 🐾: I'm in a stable relationship for more than two years
JuJu 🎶: finally commited to one woman and married Hailey
Gigi 🥂: me and Zayn are having a child
Hazza bear 💅: I'll be performing for the Grammy and nominated and I'm becoming an actor
Sel 💃: finally back into acting and releasing a Spanish album
Kenny 🌻: it's funny how we were so close friends in our teenage years but we let stupid things break our friendship
Tay 🐾: but maybe the space allowed us to become who we would become and still talk to each other
Ari ☕: well that's sentimental and makes me cry, here's to us
Ari ☕: the .. well I don't know
King Kylie 🤑: idiotic friends
Sel 💃: that we are
Kenny 🌻: cheers to us
Gigi 🥂: may we forever be friends
JuJu 🎶: from this day no grudge shall separate us
Hazza bear 💅: forever friends
Tay 🐾: sounds like an oath of some sort, don't know
Ari ☕: just do it
Tay 🐾: so cheers to our friendship

* This is just a filler because I have no fucking clue so enjoy my ramblings

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