33 - the end

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Sel 💃: I think it's time
Nialler ⛳: why do you sound so ominous?
Sel 💃: because I do
Mila 🤶: it's been a crazy few years but I'm thankful to you all, for being there when I stupid and a bit more but for being a friend. I love you all and am sad to see you go
Ari ☕: it's not the end we'll see each other again
But I want to say it's been a fun few years, to making the internet confused to our private 1D concert, I'm gonna miss you lot it's gonna be weird that I won't talk to you lot almost every day
Sel 💃: you can still talk to us individually and we can still meet up but it's time for this group to be silent. I'm gonna end the group so goodbye until next time, I'll see you all then or maybe earlier. Love each and every one of you even if you interfere in my love life to much
JuJu 🎶: even me?
Sel 💃: yes Justin, even you. You've grown on me and Hailey's made you a better man

Sel 💃 has ended the groupchat

So it's come to an end of this book, once I feel like writing a second I'll update this part but for now it's goodbye from the idiotic friends

I hope you enjoyed this story slash chat thing. Thank you so much for reading this far and giving this book I chance.

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