Chapter 15

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Daisy's POV

Don't give in. Don't even think about going easy on him. I mentally chant as we face off. His two words, laced with absolute honesty, were enough to wipe away the worst of what happened a little while ago. I can bet that if I were alive, my heartbeat would have been through the roof from all this happiness I am feeling. Because in this moment, beneath all the anger and coldness, I can only think of one thing. He's back.

"After what you said, I really doubt the truth of that statement." I speak up and am surprised at how natural my anger sounds. It seems that not all of my anger was wiped away. "And don't bother trying to explain yourself. There's nothing to say." Though I really want you to. "Honestly, I don't think I even want to bother with you ever again. So goodbye, Nick Demming Peters." With that I use whatever power still remains in me and somehow manage to lift him up in the air.

He yelps in surprise as his feet leave the ground and then is dragged towards the main door which is now open. I walk with him to the top of the staircase and then he is being lowered down towards the exit. He struggles but since I even muted him temporarily, he can't do anything. I watch him leave sadly, wanting him to stay but knowing he doesn't deserve a second chance after all that happened.

And that's when my powers fail me again. One second he's in the air above the couch and in the next, he's sitting on it as my spell dissipated. Neither of us speak as we stare at each other from the couch to the top of the staircase and back. And then I hear the house creak once again. I feel my face contract and I curse myself for letting emotion show, even if to him. I have no idea how but it feels like he's by my side in the next second. Before he can touch, my solid form fails and I'm invisible again. It doesn't stop him from forming an embrace around where I'm supposed to be, though the circle is obviously way too large. "I did not return for a second chance, Daisy McCain. I only returned to let have your forever. There was never a true hope for us but there is a chance for you to be free. I want you to be able to return to your family." He's certainly pushing every button that needs to be pushed. Though an invisible tear falls down, it finds no other joining in the descent as I finally get my emotions in control.

After making sure that my voice would be stable, I speak. "First of all, back off a little. I need some space to feel comfortable right now. And secondly, exactly how do you plan to do this?" He does move back but only gives me a shrug in response. Instantly, my annoyance peaks from nothing to unbelievable. I placed all this faith in a shrug?!

He smiles, oh the nerve of this boy, on seeing my expression – oh wait, I'm invisible. "What are you smiling about?" The tone makes it clear that this is no time for jokes. His smile somehow grows even bigger and I have all the confirmation I need that this is about me. "Tell me!"

"Well, having spent the last few hours with you gave me a pretty good idea of your reactions and it isn't hard to know your reaction in those uncharacteristic silence on seeing my shrug. And my imagination produced a result that would probably matches the real expression you had, which undoubtedly was funny." Nick explained and after taking a second to get all that he implied, I frowned at him with my hands at my hips. He frowned back at me in response with his hands at his hips as well and the expression was so like me that my eyes instantly drifted to see if I was visible. I wasn't. Oh my god, he really did get me right!

Still, truth wasn't an option. "That's so not me, you know." I spoke as I dropped the pose before I turned visible and my lie was exposed. "And for someone who has only spent a few hours with me, you sure think you know a lot about me." He dropped the pose – thankfully because that was unnerving – and then smiled at me.

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