F!Sole Writing a Song for Them

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Cait - Finds F!Sole's voice to be absolutely beautiful. She feels her chest tighten considerably and she just stares at F!Sole, taking in every detail of the very special song and feeling her eyes burn a little with the emotion. When it is finally over, Cait very quietly and shyly asks F!Sole if she could somehow record that so Cait can keep it forever.

Piper - Feels her breath catch in her throat as she gapes at her best friend. Her first thought is that her Blue sings even better than Magnolia at the Third Rail. The subsequent thoughts following that purely consist of wondering how in the world she found someone so incredibly and amazingly talented that actually wanted to write a song for her? By the time F!Sole finishes her song, Piper feels tears welling up in her eyes, and she hugs F!Sole tightly for a long time, thanking her quietly.

Curie - Feels an overwhelming, huge swell in her chest, and her face heats up a little as tears spring up in her eyes. She does the best she can to keep from hugging F!Sole with every sweet note and lyrics that she sings about Curie. The very moment that F!Sole finishes the song, Curie launches herself onto the woman and clings on as tightly as she can, blubbering her thanks and telling F!Sole how beautiful the song was over and over.

MacCready - Knows that tears are starting to spring up a little in his eyes, so he looks away from her but he is still very much listening. When she's finished, he has to take a moment to pull himself together before he can trust his voice. After a little while of silence, she asks if he liked the song. He quickly assures her that he very much liked it and that it is probably the best gift he's ever had. His voice breaks a tiny bit, but he overall manages to keep his emotions under control.

Deacon - Is very, very uncomfortable while she's singing it, but he is quite touched by the gesture. It means a lot to him to hear musically how she sees him. Even the cheeky lyric about his bald head is something he loves because it makes him laugh. When she finally finishes, he makes sure to genuinely thank her.

Codsworth - If he could cry, he definitely would. He is just absolutely overwhelmed with joy and love for his mistress. As soon as she finishes, he reaches over to her, gently touching one of her shoulders with his pincer and very heartfeltly expressing just how much that meant to him and how incredible she is at singing.

Hancock - Is completely enthralled the entire time that she sings. When she finishes, he asks how in the world she came by a voice that gorgeous. Then he proceeds to ask if she'll sing it again for a recording so he can play it across Goodneighbor ten times a day. If you think he's kidding, think again. This is the best and sweetest thing he has ever heard in his life, and he's going to share it with as many people as he can.

Danse - Literally feels his jaw slackening as he just stares at her with the biggest eyes ever. He feels his heart doing some sort of crazy somersaults in his chest as he looks at this remarkable woman that he calls his best friend. The moment she finishes the song, he walks nearer to her, not quite brave enough to hug her but really wanting to. He settles for thanking her and telling her that it means the absolute world to him that she took the time to compose something like this. She then hugs him and he wastes no time in squeezing her tightly in return.

Preston - Grins like an idiot as he gapes at her. He's never heard anything this incredible, and he doubts that he ever will again. That is, unless she sings again, of course. When she is done, he is practically speechless. He's just completely wowed, and after a long moment, he tells her that she is absolutely incredible and that was undoubtedly the most beautiful song he ever heard.

Valentine - Is almost certain that his systems are acting up or something with how incredibly amazed that he is. It's almost as if every other sense besides hearing and sight is cancelled out as he watches her and listens carefully. When she is finally done, he tells her that she has a real talent and he cannot believe that she would use such a beautiful thing to make a song for him of all people. He thanks her, nevertheless, and squeezes her shoulder affectionately.

X6-88 - Honestly does not know how to feel about it. It is the most strangely beautiful sound he has ever heard, but he cannot understand at all why she would bother with singing about him. He is a synth, and she should not waste her time on such things. However, after he asks her why she did that, he makes sure to thank her and tell her that it was pleasing to the ear.

Dogmeat - Does not understand, but he really enjoys hearing her voice. When she says his name while she's singing, he yips excitedly, wagging his tail like crazy. Overall, it's a really big hit with him even if he does not quite understand the significance.

Strong - Is confused about the really strange sound coming from her. It is not talking, yelling, or anything that he has ever really heard. He just gapes at her for a long time until she has finally finished, just sort of enamored by the sound. He finally asks how she made that noise, and she has to try to explain how to sing to him.

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