F!Sole Explains About Baseball and "Old Days" When Visiting Diamond City

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Cait - Is honestly and truly disappointed that the game really is not what Moe Cronin says. She had always secretly wondered what it would be like to be in a real baseball game and get to beat people with a bat. She's pretty bummed that the entire thing was not as she thought.

Piper - Is fascinated and honestly quite shocked at how boring the actual truth is. It makes her question many other weird little things that she has just taken for granted, and she takes it upon herself to ask everything about baseball and to get F!Sole to give her a baseball-oriented tour of Diamond City. 

Curie - Has some basic understanding of baseball and baseball stadiums. She knows that Moe Cronin does not really know the truth about baseball and "swatters." She greatly appreciates F!Sole taking the time to fully explain the intricate processes of baseball and the mechanics of the sport.

MacCready - Actually is legitimately interested in the original sport. He actually even asks if F!Sole had ever played it before and if she could teach him. He thinks it might be fun to play with Duncan, and he treasures any time that he can spend with his son.

Deacon - Is somewhat surprised, but he rolls with it. It's his job to know about things, and he just considers this to be extra intel. Within F!Sole, he has an inside look at the world around him from a totally upside-down perspective, and he values her view of things. 

Codsworth - Already knows a considerable amount about baseball and its workings, but he is very happy to hear her speak about the old days and how baseball operated. She even presents a few facts that he did not know about.

Hancock - Is a little disappointed but not entirely surprised about the whole thing. After all, F!Sole did not really strike him as being someone that came from a time where families went to go watch people getting beaten to death by baseball bats.

Danse - Finds the true history behind it to be quite fascinating, and he asks several questions about it. He tries to picture it the way it used to look before the bombs fell, and he finds it to be very interesting mental image.

Preston - Is amazed at the fact that it is so different from what he originally perceived it to be. He likes hearing about it, but it is such a learning curve for him. He is looking all around the city, trying to picture what it was like before. 

Valentine - Knows the truth about baseball, and he likes to reminisce about it with F!Sole. He shares quite a few of his own stories about the old days and baseball with her as well, and they both have quite the time discussing what truly occurred before the bombs.

X6-88 - Is not surprised. What truly surprises him is the fact that people on the surface actually thought that there was that violent of a sport in Pre-War times. He knows that people of that time were non-threatening and relatively harmless compared to the general populace of the current-day. He just doesn't get how Moe Cronin and other Commonwealth people missed that.

Dogmeat - Does not understand what she's saying. However, since she seems so happy with him bringing her an old baseball that he found in some obscure part of the town, he is perfectly satisfied.

Strong - Is somewhat angry when she explains the truth behind it. He thinks that Pre-War humans were stupid for chasing a ball around and he says that they should have beat each other with bats. It would make them stronger!

Maxson - Thinks that it is very interesting, and he just quietly listens and surveys the area as she explains. He asks her if she has any sort of stories about her and her family going to ballgames. He soon gets an earful, and he silently enjoys her happiness in recounting it all.

Sturges - Laughs and thinks that is pretty cool. He has always heard that baseball was about beating people up, but he kind of likes the romanticized manner in which she describes the whole thing. He loves to hear her talk about it and all the passion that she has in her voice as she vehemently explains how Moe Cronin is wrong about all of it.

Glory - Is not really surprised that the truth is something boring, but she cannot deny that she is pretty disappointed about it. When she first heard about baseball as a violent sport, she thought that the Pre-War world was not quite so different from this one after all. But now that she knows the truth behind it, she just accepts it and moves on from her previous misconceptions.

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