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Not mandatory to read but you'll probably be confused if you don't read their background.

Béatriz Suzuki doesn't have a specific face but I imagine her having brown curlier hair with green eyes and freckles but imagine what you want. Anyways she has always been a very skilled person. She took ballet when she was just four years old and grew up playing basketball, soccer, volleyball, track, and lacrosse. Along with learning piano and guitar and 3 different languages. She quit ballet and lacrosse when she was 14 because she wanted to focus on basketball since she had many D1 offers already. She regrets that now, wishing she stayed in ballet. In a state championship game her sophomore year she tore her ACL and MCL ending her career. She couldn't play sports after that so she turned to her instruments and her voice and began playing at cafes and bars for money. She also auditioned for movies eventually landing her break out role when she was just 16.

Charlotte Alberty is the mother of the clan. She was in a abusive relationship with Akin Suzuki for 10 years and 4 kids came out of it. She tried her absolute best to keep her children away from Akin's harm and succeeding most of the time but was sacrificing herself in the progress. Charlotte is an amazing mother and very supportive of her children and making sure they don't make the same mistakes that she did.

Akin Suzuki is the Suzuki's real father. In the beginning of Charlotte and his relationship he was a nice guy, getting into drugs and hanging with bad people made him into a abusive man towards everyone but mainly taking it out on Charlotte. When Charlotte got pregnant while still in high school, Akin made sure to express how much he did not want this child so he left her many times throughout the pregnancy. After Ejaz was born he briefly got sober so he could be there for his new family because he had a "change of heart." During this time period he and Charlotte got married and moved away from their families because of his wishes. He began to use again and spent all their money on drugs and alcohol and paying back dealers. They went to having three more children all of which delt with Akin's abuse. He was later arrested for domestic violence and other assault crimes, illegal drugs use and dealing and has been sentenced to jail for life.

David Alberty is Charlotte's husband and father to the children. He has been family friends with her since they were babies always keeping an eye on her. Noticing how Akin's treats her seemingly through Akin's fake exterior he puts out, David urges Charlotte to get out of the relationship but much to his dismay Charlotte says he is gonna change. (Not the "I'm gonna change him" trope). When Charlotte falls pregnant he almost convinces her to move in with him to get away from Akin all together and would help raise the baby. When Charlotte moves with Akin, David purposely chooses a college near them to watch over her. (Hopefully this isn't creepy). Being unaware of Akin's abuse and instead thinking it's just absence, he continues to act as a father to all of Charlotte's children and giving them his income. Paying for their sports and schooling. One day in 1997, when Charlotte was pregnant with Ines he witnesses Akin hurting Charlotte. Getting into a fight with Akin he finds out that this has been a reoccurring thing for years. Turning Akin in, he convinces Charlotte to testify about his assault and drug use. Charlotte and the kids move in with him and move back to their hometown. Three years later they get married and two years after that have their first child together. All though not the real biological father to the Suzuki's he adopted them in 1998 and has been called "Dad" since they were young.

Ejaz Suzuki is the oldest Suzuki. He has been a star soccer player since he was young along with basketball and track. Going to college for soccer and track and later creating a multi millionaire program for kids who have experienced abuse. In 2013, he married Mae Bardot. 3 years later they welcome a baby boy.

Carlotta Suzuki's is the second oldest. Not too interested in sports she takes on painting and drawing and later goes to Pratt University. She then becomes an art director for many movies.

Ines Suzuki the youngest one of the four played sports just like the others growing up but like Carlotta, didn't see much of a future in it, she creates clothes for herself at first but then starts to create for big names like Chanel and Prada.

Blaise Alberty is the first born of David's and Charlotte's children and also plays sports and is in high school. Born in Pennsylvania along with his sister.

Dakota Alberty is in high school, plays sports, posts on insta has a pretty good following and takes care of the animals on their farm in her free time.

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