Lunch Time Troubles

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It had been a few months now. Andrew and Damien had grown decently close, it was about mid August and the first day of school. Andrew sat up and turned off his alarm, yawning and stretching his arms. He climbed out of bed and got changed into the outfit he had picked out the night before. A black hoodie with a light brown and blue flannel over top, and some pale blue jeans. He slipped on some socks and his black sneakers, grabbed his phone, then his bag, and he was out the door. He walked down the street as he plugged in his headphones. He opened soundcloud and clicked on a newer artist he had been listening to, Shadhoes.

Their music was amazing to him, and they put something new out every now and then but it was always enough to get Andrew through the week. He quietly hummed as he walked before bumping into a familiar face, " Oh Damien! Hey!" He said as he smiled up at the taller boy. Damien smiled, " Morning Andrew. It's funny i bumped into you. I've got something for you" Damien said as he pulled one of the smaller beaded bracelets off his wrist and held it out to Andrew.

Andrew looked at the bracelet for a moment before taking it and putting it on. It was alternating in a black and white pattern with a little letter dangling off like a charm. " The D is for my Name and Ive got one with an A. It's like friendship bracelets but less lame" Damien said happily. Andrew looked at the boy, he had on a black MCR teeshirt with some ripped skinny jeans, a jacket overtop, some fingerless gloves, and chunky black sneakers. Andrew looked at the maybe 6 or 7 pins on his jacket before starting to walk. " we're going to be late if your just going to stand there Damien" Andrew remarked as Damien nodded and followed him.

Soon enough they reached the school, parting ways as they headed to get their schedules. Andrew reluctantly tucked the bracelet under his sleeve, " alright.." He said to himself quietly as he walked into his new class. He recognized a few people almost instantly and went to go sit with them, starting up a conversation as they waited for class to actually start. He looked around the table, listening quietly. Marques complained about his ex girlfriend while Jack used simp in an incorrect context. Andrew just sighed not caring for what was going on right now, " what about you andrew?" Someone asked. Andrew had partially zoned out, giving a confused look. " huh..? Sorry i wasn't listening" he said as he rubbed his eyes.

His friend Evan groaned. " Girlfriend stupid. Do you have one?" He asked. Andrew shook his head, " no not yet. " he said as Evan rolled his eyes. " Ooooooh.. Your a fag huh?". Those words made Andrew tense up for a moment before forcing a laugh, " Shut up dumbass" he said with a huff. Those words did hurt andrew despite him not showing it, while talking to Damien he had learned why the other didn't like that word. So andrew had most definitely eased up on using it, basically never saying it by now. Andrew turned his attention to the front of the room as class started. Most of it was just basic orientation and such until lunch rolled around.

When lunch time came Andrew went through the line. He grabbed a tray and sat down with his friends, sliding the food away as he had no intentions on eating it. " God im so happy the day is almost over.. " Andrew complained, only to be greeted with agreement from the group of boys. He sighed and rubbed his eyes before Damien sat down beside him, " Oh hey d-" andrew cut himself off as he realised what had just happened. " Andrew whats with this fag? Get your boyfriend out of here" one of the males commented before andrew huffed.

" Y-yeah fuck off fag. I don't know why you even decided to sit with us!" Andrew said as he shoved the other away a bit. Damien rolled his eyes, obviously used to the ridicule by now. He got up and walked away. Moving to another table with a few of his friends. " Damn andrew didn't know you got a boyfriend" one of the males teased. " I did not. We just walk the same way to school, guess the thought we were friends" andrew picked at the food on his tray, waiting for someone to change the subject when a saviour spoke. Jack arden. " so did you hear about the new fortnite update?" He asked only to have the table erupt in groans, " Jack shut the hell up!" One of them shouted. The conversation successfully vered away from Damien and Andrew.

Andrew had felt awful for the rest of lunch. Like a pit had been dug into his stomach, he didn't know how damien felt after what was said. He was just filled with dread and regret for his actions, would they still be friends?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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