first encounters

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Andrew Adkins. The boy sat in his room, his eyes glues to the monitor of his gaming PC . He had just gotten it for his last birthday, the low hum of the computer was very prominent in the almost silent room. His headphones sat on his head pushing down on his moist perm. Moist...? Now that he thought about it he felt stuck to his leather gaming chair. God damn it.. The AC was broken again. " Mom!" He called out, looking at his slightly cracked open door awaiting a response from his mother. He groaned and pulled away from the chair, getting up and heading down the stairs.

He had been staying in his attic for quite some time, it got at least ten times hotter up there than it did downstairs. Andrew sighed and walked down to the kitchen, looking for his mother only to find a note. He groaned and picked up the note. " Out for groceries.. Back soon.." He mumbled to himself. Andrew let out a sigh heading into the living room. He checked the temperature, a nice slow cooking 90°. He let out a groan, feeling even worse now that he knew how hot it was. He peeked out one of the windows, poking his head through the navy blue curtains and looking outside to see if anyone was out.

To his surprise a boy in black skinny jeans and some old band tee shirt skated down the street. His board clicked against the burning concrete sidewalk, the silver chain clipped to his pants jingling rather loudly and echoing through the quiet street. He flipped his hair in an almost movie like fashion. Andrew felt his face heat up a little as his eyes followed the boy down the street until he was out of sight. " Its just hot in here is all.." He said to himself as he quickly backed away from the window and closed the curtain. He would never feel such a thing for another guy, especially some rando he saw on the street.

Completely unacceptable.

He let out a huff of annoyance and stomped back up into the attic. He plopped down on his black leather gaming chair and sighed. He leaned back spinning around in a few slow circles before his gaze locked on the colorful box that sat under his desk. The box in question was part of his PC. It made a low and familiar humming sound, it sounded dumb but the sound was comforting to him. It was a sense of home for him. It made him feel safe.

Andrew spun around in his chair one more time before noticing another thing in his room, the skateboard his aunt had gotten him for Christmas a few years back. Of course he had no interest in the thing. He barely had interest in leaving his house half the time. He rolled his eyes and turned back to his computer, starting another match of some first person shooter as he slipped his headphones on and pulled his mic down to his face. " I'll go point A.." He said to his team mates before getting lost in the game, playing for hours on end.

Time skip.

Andrew glanced over at his clock, 4 am on the dot. He let out a sigh and closed out the many tabs he had open on his computer. He pushed away from his desk and slipped out of his chair, looking at his curtains only to be greeted by darkness. The only light came from his monitor, just the dim light of his screensaver. The boy took his headphones off and set them down before hearing something tap against his window. He jumped back in surprise, not knowing what it was before he heard a few similar taps against his window before he slowly opened the curtain and slid open his window.

There he stood. The boy from earlier, the one on the skateboard. " Who the hell are you and why are you here!?" He whisper yelled at the male. The only response he was given was a wave which he assumed was him motioning for andrew to come join him.

Andrew shut his window and closed his curtain, slipping on his shoes and socks on before tip toeing down the stairs and out the front door. " Who even are you!" He said as he stomped towards the boy. " oh dont get all angry stranger. You seemed to take such interest in me earlier i wanted to say hi" the boy smiled, motioning for andrew to follow as he started to walk. A skateboard in his hand. " Damien right..?" He asked curiously as he walked with him. " we go to stonewall together ive seen you around" Andrew said with a nod. He had seen him around before, mainly just causing trouble and talking to his usuals.

" yup. Ive seen you around.. Andrew is it..?"

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