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Acknowledgements (in no particular order)


Macca40: Thank you so much for all your reviews, always prompt, long, and generally wonderful :0) You deserve a million bajillion stickers! Also, tons and tons of thanks for helping my FanFiction comrades make the transition to WattPad.

MaccasWeirdFriend (a.k.a. Macca's Little Teddy Bear): It's so wonderful that you're on WattPad, even though I wish you'd made the move under brighter circumstances. Thank you so much for all your reviews, and for helping talk me through dealing with the issues on FanFiction :0)

omgringo (also on FanFiction): You were the first to review Beatles in a Beetle and have kept reading my silly Beatles stories ever since – thank you so much! Special thanks for coming back and reading so many chapters at once after you were gone, you didn't have to :0)

ThisBirdHasFlown (a.k.a. ThisBirdHasFlownToRhye): Thank you so much for not only reviewing on one website, but also copy-pasting your reviews to FanFiction for so long! Even though that's no longer an option, my gratitude is never-ending ;0)

leah9712 (also on FanFiction): It was so wonderful to get to know you, not only through your reviews but also in our long conversations on linguistics, Shakespeare, and popular culture :0) I hope you're making yourself at home on WattPad!

cityofstarlight: Man, from "Since You've Been Gone" to "How to Fix a Constellation" I've loved your writing. It's always been amazing to see your reviews on my writing! Thanks for being so supportive :0)

PurlyandGirly: It's been a blast talking to you and Macca40 in the comments below all of our stories :0) Thanks for all the reviews and for adding to the Pronoun Diagrams collection with "She's Not THAT Crazy"!

Master_of_fire (a.k.a. Peyton): Wow, I think you might be the only person who's reviewed my stories on the "big three" – FanFiction, AO3, and now WattPad! Thanks so much for all of those reviews :0)

InmylifeIloveLennon: Thanks for being with Nerk Twins from the start! Your reviews have always been so enthusiastic and wonderful, making me crack a smile no matter how bad the day :0)

MasterofFire: Thank you for all the lovely Nerk Twins reviews, and for reading and enjoying all my other Beatles stories :0) I hope this one lived up to your expectations!

NJ2001: When you burst onto the reviewing scene, I was so elated to see your reviews piling up on all the chapters as you caught up :0) Thanks so much for the kind words and encouragement!

ilovethe60sand70s: Thank you so much for the review on Chapter VIII! It was so detailed and literary, it made my grin about a mile wide :0) I hope you kept reading!


The Beatles Babydoll22: Thanks for reviewing Escape of the Nerk Twins and Beatles in a Beetle :0) I hope you kept reading!

Swimmer girl 17 (also on AO3): Thank you so much for following me to AO3 after the Critics United issue! I was overjoyed to see all of your reviews :0)

Georgehorse64: Thanks so much for reading and reviewing! It was also wonderful to have a new user drop by Beatlemania United :0) I hope you write some stories yourself!

Naturelover422: I read some of your Beatles stories ages ago and loved them, so imagine how happy I was when you reviewed my silly story! Thanks so much for brightening my day :0) I hope you kept reading, even though I had to change sites.

Archive of our Own:

McLennonLuv: Thank you so much for being my first Archive of Our Own reviewer! I was just starting to wonder whether posting updates on AO3 was a waste of my time when you dropped by, and you've kept reviewing since then :0) Thanks!

Emma: You were one of my first AO3 reviewers, and you left such a wonderfully long story-review that made me laugh like crazy – thanks so much! I hope you kept reading :0)

Trying to Think of a Funny Name: "Trying to Think of a Funny Name" is a pretty funny name as it is, so think no more on it ;0) Thanks so much for being one of my wonderful AO3 reviewers! I hope you read more.

Escape of the Nerk TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now