New day 2

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Y/N POV: "Part of the wall is gone!" Shuichi yelled in surprise. "Whoa, that's so cool! We can get past this wall now! Alright then, chaaaaarge!" Kokichi yelled, running ahead of everyone else. "W-Wait! Charging in is dangerous!" Gonta yelled, running in after Kokichi immediately. Kirumi looked a little lost in thought. "...Kirumi, what's wrong?" Shuichi asked. "Nothing, but I feel stagnant air drifting from this damaged wall... As if no one has set foot beyond this point for quite some time..." Kirumi pointed out. "Nobody's been here for a long time?" Shuichi sweat dropped. I guess I kind of felt that too, but I doubt I would've said anything. I began to walk for a bit, coming across another research lab. "Alright, lets go inside." Shuichi said, and with no hesitance, he opened the research lab's door. 

The room itself had a pretty rich outlook to it, maybe an early 1700's look, the room's most defining feature was the family sitting in the center. My eyebrows furrowed at the sight, three mannequins visible. A dad, a mother, and a daughter. I felt my mood shift a little once I thought about it more, why...? I shook my head at the thought, It's better not to think about it more. "This room gives off an antique vibe." Shuichi said. "...These are Victorian. These decorations adorned the British Empire at the peak of Queen Victoria's reign. This...must be my research lab. During the Victorian era, employing a maid was considered a status symbol." Kirumi informed. "Speaking of the Victorian era...Jack the Ripper was from that time, correct?" Shuichi asked. "...Ever the detective, I see." Kirumi smiled. I couldn't help myself as I continued to stare at the family dinner set up. This wasn't realistic at all, so peaceful, and accepting. "This is my research lab... Then I presume these figures represent those I must serve." Kirumi said. I sucked up any emotions that were starting to bubble up inside me and turned to talk to Kiyo. "Hm...Victorian. This room is quite tasteful. Kehehe... I don't dislike Gothic styles such as this." Kiyo said. 

"I-I suppose this isn't all that bad." I admitted. "This appears to be Kirumi's research lab. Being in here brings a tale to my mind..." Kiyo said, and with that, he closed his eyes as if he was in a trance. "The era is 19th century England...A gentleman who pledged his loyalty to the Queen and a modest, but beautiful maid... The story of a love that blooms between the light and darkness of social classes..." Kiyo trailed off. "...Th-The plot sounds a lot like a manga for girls, though it does sound nice." I said, a romance story...I don't remember reading much about them but, they do sound quite appealing to read when Kiyo describes it. "Is that so? Then, are you saying I am like some young, lovestruck girl? Kehehe... So that is how I am reflected in your eyes. Fascinating..." Kiyo trailed off, putting a hand on his cheek whilst looking me in the eyes. I looked at Kiyo a little wide-eyed for a bit with a flushed face...Kiyo as a girl...? My mind immediately went to work, I felt a little weak in the knees from thinking about Kiyo as a girl, even if he chose to cross-dress like me...I don't think I would be able to look him in the eye, either way, he would probably look good in anything, he is practically perfect in my eyes, it doesn't matter about the flaws. 

I walked back to Kirumi to finish our little conversation, despite me knowing the far basics of the Victorian era, I suppose it was rather calming to hear someone else talk about certain subjects, history being one of my favorites. "In the Victorian era, many servants lived beneath the manors in which they were employed. They were known as the 'downstairs people.' as a stark reminder of their lower station." Kirumi said, I quickly thanked Kirumi for some of her time and began to look around the room again. The right of the room seemed to resemble a closet of some sort, but when I put my hand on the wall to open it I was surprised to find a bunch of cleaning supplies instead. Stuff like laundry machines, vacuums, and pressure washers. "These appliances will prove most useful when I perform my cleaning." Kirumi said, despite such a hard-working task, she still kept a calm smile. "Kirumi...I don't think you have to do that." I said. "...I do not mind. To serve others is a maid's duty. 'selfless devotion' is the principle by which I perform my responsibilities as a maid. I can cast aside my personal feelings for the sake of serving everyone." Kirumi said, she really does speak with passion, and that in itself is not bad, but there comes a time for everyone to break. So therefor it's only a matter of time before we know what it's like for Kirumi to snap. One can only do so much work, I learned that a while ago. " must learn to take a break. I a-admire your devotion, but you at least have to take some time to collect your a tea break. For example." I said. 

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