Trial two 3

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Y/N POV: There we were, similar to last time we had to convince the other half of our peers that our opinion was right, just a simple debate with all our lives on the line, I think convincing everyone when the body was put into the piranha tank should be simple enough. "Did the culprit move the body just before the morning announcement?" Tsumugi questioned. "I was in front of the gym with the others, before the announcement!" Angie yelled. "Is it not possible you simply missed the culprit?" Kiyo questioned. "We were right in front of the door. There's no way we coulda missed them!" Himiko argued. "Remember, the rules state that you can't enter the gym at night!" Miu yelled. "Rules probably don't apply to corpses, y'know." Kaito said. "The piranha tank is too far from the gym's entrance." Kokichi shot back. "You might be able to reach the tank from the window above the stage!" Shuichi yelled. "But pool next to gym also off-limits at night." Gonta said. "E-Entering the pool at night is what's off-limits, not the pool area itself." I pointed out. "But should we trust Maki's testimony in the first place?" Kirumi questioned. "It's okay, cuz we have Shuichi's testimony too!" Tenko yelled. And just as suddenly as it happened, our podiums began to lower as all our arguments were presented. 

"It's true that you cannot enter the gym at nighttime. But a corpse could. I am positive that the window was how the culprit moved the body!" Shuichi yelled. "That window's higher than the piranha tank, and it's pretty close by... The curtains mighta been closed, but the window was open the whole investigation." Kaito pointed out. "That means it was certainly  possible to put the body in the piranha tank from the window..." Kiibo said. "However, I'm also positive the pane dividing  the piranha tank was set up beforehand." Shuichi said. "That certainly couldn't be tossed in. It would need to be placed carefully." Kiyo pointed out. "Even if the culprit were to throw the body outside the window... The window is far too high. It cannot be reached from the floor." Kirumi said. "Ryoma was small... Gonta coulda chucked him, easily." Himiko said. "Yes, but...Gonta wouldn't do that! Gentleman not chuck dead bodies!" Gonta yelled. "Being a gentleman has nothing to do with it!" Tenko sweat dropped. "I know! They used the ladder in the gym! You tested it out while you were investigating with Shuichi and Y/N. That ladder reached the window, right? So the culprit just needed to put the body through the window to pull it off, right?" Angie questioned. "The only reason the ladder reached the window was because it was on the stage. If you used the ladder on the poolside, it would not quite make it. The ladder could barely reach the window when it was on the stage. And there is nothing on the poolside of the gym as tall as the stage. Finally, the ladder was found in the gym, correct? If the culprit used the ladder on the poolside, we wouldn't have found it in the gym." Shuichi explained, he really does sound cool when he talks like that. 

"And they couldn't have thrown the ladder back through the window cuz it's too heavy." Tenko sweat dropped. "Then Gonta used his 'tard strength to throw the ladder or the body or...something!" Miu yelled. "...But, the ladder isn't at all heavy, you wouldn't have had to be strong to throw something so light, the same goes with the body." I pointed out. "Gentleman not throw dead bodies! Or ladders!" Gonta yelled. "The body could not have been thrown into the piranha tank to begin with. It would need to be placed carefully, to prevent the glass pane from shifting." Kiyo said. "Got it, musclehead!? Even if we inject tons of steroids into you, it'd be impossible!" Kokichi yelled. "Sorry. You're right." Gonta said, looking down at the ground. "D-Don't apologize to him, Gonta." I said. "How the culprit moved the body from the window... Ha! You guys don't even know that!? What a bunch of dimwits!" Kaito yelled. "Do you have the answer, then?" Kirumi questioned. "But, of course." Kaito yelled. "Tell 'em, Shuichi! Blow 'em all away with the truth!" Kaito yelled at the poor detective. "Ah...I, uh...actually don't know what that yet..." Shuichi sweat dropped. "Wh-What!? Y-Y/N, what about you!?" Kaito yelled. "I-I'm not your personal answer sheet, please give me a moment." I said, a hint of irritation in my eyes, it feels good to be able to speak freely without a certain someone breathing down my neck every second. 

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