Joyeux Anniversaire

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Elyse was still feeling a little off. She thought turning twenty-one wouldn't be particularly nerving. Really, it was a just a technicality. After all, she was technically turning twenty-one all year. She couldn't help but feel as though something was meant to happen.

She was apprehensive about it all. She usually felt when something bad was going to happen, not good. Yet, she still chose to wear a smile on her face and act as if she wasn't feeling nervous or anything. However, she still was pretty bad at lying to others. Her stature gave away everything her friends from when she was in her teens knew though that something was off. They chose to ignore it though. She was studying in England at Oxford so she could technically drink already but back in her native land, America, she was just allowed to taste the bitter taste of alcohol.

Her many friends in the city wanted to take her on a night in the town. Somehow, Elyse had managed to convince them that she couldn't drink until twenty-one despite being old enough to drink in England. Her friends had waited until the fated day very impatiently and even hinted that they knew someone who could make fake IDs. Elyse didn't like the thought of drinking though; it didn't seem right. She'd turned down their offers without a second thought. They considered actually dragging her so that she'd finally have a taste of fun, at least their version, but they knew that she'd hate them forever and immediately shot that idea down.

Elyse didn't fully like her so called friends. They were too distracted from their studies with all their drama and frivolous ideas for her taste. She didn't like drama, just writing it. However, they made for great company when she was still a little bit of sorts in the city. She loved the accents and well, everything about it. She even tolerated their pointless conversations just to listen to their mesmerizing voices.

Personally, she preferred the online world of Wattpad where, at least the majority, people could carry a intelligent conversation based on stories. She'd made some of the best friends [A/N: I love you, Elyse and no, I'm not complimenting us.] that she'd ever had on there. Through the worldwide web, they stayed in touch despite everyone's changing lives. It was amazing to think that five years had passed and they all seemed to be going strong. They may have called their love something that had to do with seasons, but really, it was forever.

They couldn't imagine a life without each other. They balanced each other out and honestly, they were the shoulders to cry on, the people to celebrate with, and the vents for Elyse. She hadn't really met anyone who was always there for her. [I think you get the message. We're always here for you.]

She had settled for a small party online. Everyone seemed to be throwing congratulations everywhere. They were all renowned in the world of writing - at least online. They'd had grown out from their One Direction fanfictions roots though and had gone on to write some other works. Their fanfictions were still their most read works though despite the band's break for supposed personal reasons. It had been a year since the band had well, not broken up but gone on hiatus. Everyone figured that it was because they were just tired of being together, but really, Harry's wife Melina was pregnant and the boys just wanted to let Harry have some free time.

Melina's friends on Wattpad, including Elyse, got the scoop so everyone understood and was excited for the baby. The couple were still young, but the love in their eyes was too strong and no one really questioned whether they'd be together forever.

[seriously, I just... I had to. Okay. I swear, there'll be a bit of everything here.]

After that little fest, she didn't even bother calling up her friends. They didn't even know the exact date of her birthday since she'd never told them anything other than it being in January. They were too excited for the night on the town to ask for more details. She figured that after January was officially done, then they'd actually drag her.

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