Day 8: Keys & Kisses

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                                  D a w n :

"Happy anniversary!"

I groaned, rolling over in bed so that I could see Lane, but he was still quite blurry because I was still half asleep. "Shut up, go back to sleep." I said, hurling my pillow at him.

He chuckled, easily evading my weak throw. He walked around to my side of the bed, sitting down by my legs holding a tray of food.

As soon as I saw the food, I sat up and he placed it on my lap. "Happy anniversary Dawn."

The tray had two slices of bread with avocado spread on them, and then a hard fried egg on the inside of it. On the left side of the plate was a cup of light brown tea that was still setting off steam. The food all looked really good and smelled even better, it made me want to meet this 'Colton' guy that was apparently the mastermind behind all this cooking.

That Janey was one lucky girl.

"Has it really been a whole week?" I asked as I looked at the food, feeling a little sad as I realized that our one week anniversary meant that our marriage was also halfway over.

He nodded, standing up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To get my tray." He said, "Don't think you're the only one getting a nice meal."

I rolled my eyes, a small smile tugging at my lips. "Of course not." I said, motioning for him to go and get his food.

He left the room and I took a large bite of the sandwich, which ended up tasting so much better than I had expected it to.

The door opened again and Lane walked in and saw me in the middle of devouring my sandwich. It was in my mouth and I was about to take another bite when I stopped and gave him a sheepish smile.

"I take it you like the food?" He teased, sitting down next to me with another tray in his lap.

I nodded, taking a sip of the tea to help wash down the sandwich, but I almost choked as soon as the tea touched my tongue.

A smile of recognition formed on Lane's face as he saw my reaction.

"Is this shaah?" I asked, my eyes wide as I held the cup out to Lane.

He nodded, his smile getting bigger, flashing off his teeth.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God." I put it to my lips again, downing the whole cup in a few gulps.

I couldn't believe this boy, he found me Somali tea from thousands of miles away! He must have been searching for hours in order to find it, and he must've done research to even know what shaah is.

I laid my tray on the ground, reaching over and hugging Lane. I wrapped my arms around him, holding him tight to me.

"Thank you." I said, still in awe.

The gesture was just unimaginably sweet, he found something that I haven't had in years, something that reminds me of home. I always drink shaah whenever I go back to Djibouti, I could even argue that we love it more than Somalis.

I heard him chuckle beside me. "You're welcome." He said, the smile evident in his voice.

I took a deep breath and turned my head to the side, kissing his cheek, which I'm sure surprised him as much as it did me. I couldn't help it though, hugging him right then, he smelled like midnight musk and his body was so warm. I'm not really a hugging kind of person, but I didn't want to ever let him go, I felt safe in his arms, I felt wanted.

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