Day 2974: Waiters & Weddings

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                               D a w n :

"For better and for worse, in sickness and in health, I take you, all of you, flaws and all, to be my husband. I never imagined myself like this, putting on a big poofy dress to declare my love to someone in front of an audience, I mean you know me, I'm not the biggest romantic out there."

He smiled, looking up at the ceiling as he tried to keep himself together. "No, you're not." He said with a big smile on his face. "But I love you that way."

A small rumble of laughter commenced in the congregation coupled with a few 'ooh's and 'aw's.

Looking down to her feet, Janey smiled, taking a deep breath as she turned back up to look into Colton's eyes, silencing everybody's voices. "Being here with you now," She said, "there's not a thing I'd rather be doing, not a person I'd rather spend my life with and not have kids with."

That last comment earned a few gasps from the audience, making Janey's head fall back as she rolled her eyes theatrically, causing Colton to laugh.

"Yep, you heard right, I don't want to have kids." Janey said to the congregation, more sarcastically than serious. "Sorry mom."

Colton took her hands in his. "Janey Paxton, I swear to God you make me so excited to do all the things in my life that are usually so mundane. I want to pay my bills with you, I want to file taxes with you sitting across the table making me laugh. I want to come home from work early and cook a bunch of food so that when you get back home all tired you can sit and relax, I want to make you happy over everything, I want to show you all the love that you deserve and I want to love you and I want you to love me and—damn it I don't even know where I'm going with this Janey, I just—oh my God."

Colton dropped to his knees, still holding Janey's hand's in his as he looked up at her, his eyes glistening as he took her in, and the way he looked at her, you could tell he loved her.

"I just—I love you so much." He said, the tears falling from his eyes as he looked at his bride.

I was sure his tears surprised everyone in the house because seeing Colton cry was not something that happened, ever. At this moment though, it didn't matter, he didn't care about crying or about anything, he just cared about Janey, and seeing her in front of him blocked out every other thing in life.

Lane's eyes found mine and he smiled at me from behind Janey. I waved at him, blowing him a small kiss and trying not to cry as well.

He was Janey's man of honor since they were best friend and she wanted him rather than just some girl who would be half as important to her as he was.

Janey closed her eyes as she smiled, still shaking her head from disbelief I assumed. "Oh my God." She muttered, still shaking her head. "I love you, so much, so much. How did I find someone like you? I didn't do anything to deserve it."

She pulled him up to his feet and then Lane came forward along with Colton's best man, Maithya, to give them the rings. As Janey took the ring from Lane's hand, my eyes travelled down to the diamond on my hand, a smile spreading onto my face as I remembered Lane and I's day. We had had a traditional Djiboutian wedding that I'm pretty sure Lane enjoyed more than I did. We did the rings separately afterwards, since it wasn't part of the ceremony, but Lane even wore a jellabiya and I wore a dirac and I could tell how happy my mother was that we had come back to Djibouti to do this because the wedding really connected me back with a lot of my family members that I had not talked to for years.

It was an amazing experience and after doing it I really realized what I was missing being without my family.

Following the priest's word, Janey put Colton's ring on his finger and he did the same for her, they didn't let go of each other's hands as they did so, looking into each other's eyes with smiles on their faces.

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