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A/N: Well, hello there, friends. So it's been two years. Let me apologize for that, first of all. Why have I taken such a long break from writing fanfiction? Well, I went to college, and life got hectic. But now! I'm totally back and excited to start writing fanfic again! So while I can't promise you the exact timeline of when I will update again, I can promise that it's not gonna be another two years. Forgive me for my trespasses, and enjoy this part! 

The Point of View of Sebastian Moran

"What the hell are you doing?"

Moriarty had grabbed a gladiator's sword from a guard when he wasn't paying attention, and was now swaggering through the halls as if he truly belonged in classical Greece.

Lunging with the sword and nearly cutting off Sebastian's hand, Moriarty said, "Come on, Seb. When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

"This is Greece," Sebastian deadpanned.

"Same difference! Come on."

Moriarty trotted along, and Sebastian couldn't do anything but cringe as he followed behind him. Who the hell was this man, and what had he done with the vicious, calculating mastermind that he had come to know?

"Here we go."

They stood before ornate marble doors that reached almost an entire story above them. Moriarty waltzed forward, intent on bypassing the guards that stood before it, but Seb grabbed his forearm and tugged him back. "What are we doing here?"

"We're -"

"I mean actually," Seb said tightly. "All these months of surveillance, just to get the key to a box to - to frolic through history? It's not you, Jim. This isn't you."

Moriarty's eyebrows rose slowly, his face darkening as he looked Sebastian up and down. When he spoke, it was with dripping malice that cut right through the air. "Cute, Seb. That you think you know anything about who I am."

Ripping his arm free, Moriarty took the TARDIS key from around his neck and slipped it over Sebastian's head. His hands lingered near Sebastian's throat, and Seb briefly flashed back to the several times he had seen this same man strangle another. He held his breath, readying himself to fight.

"Wait for me in the car, Sebby," Moriarty said quietly, patting Sebastian's cheek. Then he turned around, pushed past the guards with authority, and strolled through the doors.

Seb grabbed on to the key, his mind racing as he sped back down the hallway and out into the streets of Sparta. He had been loyal to Moriarty for years, now, because he respected him. He respected his ruthlessness, and his drive. But now? Why was he following a man he hardly recognized?

He barely registered the fact that he had already reached the TARDIS because his head was spinning so fast. But there he was, standing in front of a damn, stupid police box, of all things.

If Moriarty wanted him to kill a dozen strangers off the streets of London, that was fine. Appeasing his murderous nature had always been fine. But this...this was different. Moriarty was transfixed by whoever this damn Doctor was, and this convoluted plan of his didn't make any sort of sense. If he wasn't going to explain why they were running around chasing after men in bowties without any sort of murder, then maybe Seb didn't want to follow him anymore.

He unlocked the doors and pushed through into the goddamn bigger-on-the-inside police box. Again, not impressive. He didn't give a shit about whatever alien spaceship this was; he just wanted back in combat. He was a highly trained sniper, not some low-level agent who did surveillance and gallivanted through time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2015 ⏰

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