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Chapter 9


"I must be dreaming, because when I was about to see you and say goodnight, I saw the freaking Crown Prince getting out of your room. He looked like he solved world hunger and world peace! Oh and might I add he has been MIA for what, few months? Care to explain cousin dear?" Jam said when she entered my room sitting comfortably on the couch near my bed.

I was wondering why she was just entering my room now, when Drew has left for a good twenty minutes. I was already reading A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks when she entered. If you were wondering I was able to borrow this book from Rissa. Oh book ban when will you end I already miss my darling books so much.

I placed my magnetic bookmark to the page I last read and placed the book on top of my night stand beside my bed.

"Wow just because he's the Crown Prince you really have to use that metaphor, world hunger and world peace? I'm not even sure if he has enough power to actually solve those problems. Also, he left about twenty minutes ago, why are you just entering my kingdom now? Too startled that you were stuck outside for a full twenty minutes drooling or something?" I said smirking knowing full well she really stood outside staring at the hall Drew went by a few minutes earlier.

"Whatever, so care to tell me what's going on? Because I would really like to have the latest gossip before I go back to France you know." Jam said and with that I told her the entire story.

"You do know that for a smart girl you are really stupid. When will you wake up and smell the coffee dear?" Jam said and lightly smacked me on the head.

I was very confused with her statement, I mean why would she say such a thing. I know I have some catching up to do with reality but wasn't her statement a little too harsh? Or is it just me taking offense because I know she's right? I really need to find a book that properly describes how I can read signs, words, and whatever crap a guy throws at you. It would make my life a hell lot easier.

"Ok... Imma take the bait and ask what the heck you meant by that?" I asked preparing myself for her usual bluntness. I love her to death but sometimes sugar coating is very useful for instances like this.

Jam rolled her eyes and shook her head side to side, it was like she was trying not to laugh or something.

"Let me lay down the facts to you missy; fact one, Chad goes off to tell you that he had a crush on you and then backs off because his cousin tells him that he's going for you. That's total bro code, you might have heard about it because even girls have it. It's called dibs. When someone lays a claim on someone you're supposed to back off especially if its family or friend laying the claim." She then stood up and walked towards my window.

"Then fact two Drew, Chad's cousin," she pronounced "Chad's cousin" with more emphasis. "tells you that he met the girl he wants to date under the similar circumstance when Chad realized he liked you. That still didn't ring some bells for you, didn't you realize they were talking about the same girl? He was talking about YOU! Seriously sometimes I don't know if you're really dense or acting like you're dense. There's a difference you know. But no because fact three, you go off in your own world thinking that Drew is talking about a different girl. Only you, Lizzie only you." she said shaking her head.

I have to admit having her lay down the facts to me, I do sound crazy. If it were a book I were reading I would have been able to dissect it to every detail and not miss a beat, but with this? I have no clue. Maybe I really need to find that book that explains these things because I might have missed a few lessons on this.

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