The family heirloom

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Chapter 4

The family heirloom

I got home from my work in the library and simply went to my room and fixed myself. Assessing my activities, I realized I had a pretty eventful day, I now have Ryan the player following me like crazy, and now I also get to hang out with my own version of Mr. Darcy, Drew. It was only Monday and I had this much on my plate, please tell me the rest of the week isn't going to be as eventful.

I laid down my bead when I heard the buzzer, I knew it was time for dinner. My parents placed a buzzer in my room just so it would be easier for them to call me during meal or family bonding time. Yes they're weird like that, it's a wonder why I love them to pieces.

As I got to my seat my dad immediately asked me how things were at school and if I needed to report anything interesting to him, a.k.a. my none existent love life. Alright at the time being it wasn't so none existent, it changed status without my permission.

Dinner was just like that, they asked questions and I answered, just like a normal family. Well until they got to my dreaded subject.

"Have you read anything the past few days Lizzie?" asked my dad while getting another slice of meatloaf.

"Nothing besides the necessary reading list for school." I answered. This is technically true though, I only read A Tale of Two Cities, which was required reading, and Perks of Being a Wallflower in PDF. This is a step up if I say so myself. If I wasn't banned then I would have finished the two books and probably started my fourth one.

He nodded convinced with my answer. My mom then proceeded to show off the new set of pearl necklace dad got for her. Apparently, that business deal was a success that he immediately bought the necklace mom wanted but never told dad about.

After dessert I made excuses and went straight to my room.

I was doing my homework when my phone suddenly buzzed, without looking at the caller ID, like I should have, I answered it.

"Hello." I answered while computing the problem I was solving for my Math homework.

"So Sugar, thinking about me?" asked by the incredibly annoying Ryan King.

When will this pest stop?! I am not interested in him, besides hasn't he ever thought of the fact that I was in the wrong social bracket? I'm a nerd and he's a jock, surely that should have been enough for him to stay the hell away from me.

"Uhh, what do you need? And wait how the hell did you get my number?" I asked

"I missed my girlfriend, is it wrong that I missed you? I mean we are going out now, I can call you whenever I want. Plus, it's normal for a boyfriend to know their girlfriends number" He said and I groaned because he was really irritating.


"And when will you get it in your head I always get what I want, which at the time being is you." He insisted.

"You are insufferable you know that? I don't even know why you waste your time. One, I'm in the wrong social bracket. Two, I don't like you. Last, I am not your girlfriend!" After saying my piece I didn't give him the time to reply as I shut my phone off so he couldn't bother me for the rest of the night.


In school the next day, Ryan was still being Ryan. It was as if my words last night didn't affect him in the slightest. He was still following me around, telling people that I was his girlfriend, and that we were one happy couple. I received daggers for that comment of his.

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