Chapter 18

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Could life get anymore dramatic for me one point I'm walking around the perimeter of the territory on Tamriel the next I'm overwhelmed by rouges. Looking around at the swarm I see some wolves I recognise from times that bring back bad memories. I new it we should of made sure that every last wolf that was part of David's cult was dead.

Callum through himself or his horse and shifted but the wolves back us out of the territory so the pack wouldn't know of them being here. I drew my weapon and biased my self for a fight and so that how it went down.

The wolves were sloppy in their fighting but their numbers made up for there mistakes. Soon we were overwhelmed unable to call for help my life flashed before my eyes. I couldn't let the alpha title pass onto a tyrant like one of these wolves no I have to keep it. With new energy I bounced back into the fight I could hear Callum's thumping heart through our mate bond. His strength flowed to join mine as did mine to him.

Soon enough one wolf was left and I sliced through him until the unfaithful happened. A growl erupted from behind followed by another then a whine then pain. Circling around I cut through the rouge flying at me confused by the pain I my chest when I wasn't injured. The. It hit me, "Callum!" was the only noise I could make his crumpled bloody body lay battered on the ground. His chest rose and fell unevenly and shallow. With a strangled cry I picked him up in my arms and spurred Tamriel into a full on sprint back to the pack house.

A sudden flare of pain erupted in my chest causing me to gasp, it felt like my heart was being ripped right out through my chest I couldn't control what happened. Looking doing at the crumpled form cradled against my chest signs of life were all but nil. I never saw Callum's chest rise again, it was all I could do to end my journey and collapse onto the pack house porch surrounded by my pack. Tears pouring down their faces I could only manage to stare blankly at my mate. He's dead, he's dead, no he can't be dead surly he's still be alive and this is just some cruel joke. But the words from ten years ago on are first date hit me "this all seems to good to be true" well I was right it is to good to be true.

Shakily risking to my feet I squeezed my eyes shut and with a deep breath I pulled my self to my full hight grabbed the hands of my children and began to walk away. I'm leaving and I will never return ever I'm done with wolves all I want is my self I was left alone and that is how I shall stay. You only get the life you deserve this is the life I deserve.

Dropping my children of at Chloe's but not telling he'd about anything I fled and now I stand were I started this life. I open at the close, I close at the open. The sun slowly dips below the horizon as I stare out over the ocean and town holding standing in the upper most branches. Tears will not flow they won't and if they tried I would not let them the past is in the past no matter moping over it. Speeding my wings out I dived of the branch letting the wind catch me and carry me like a new born child over the bush.

That's it this is the end of the book! Yay! It happened all so quick but Callum is dead! :( hehe I know I'm evil. Hope you enjoyed the book
I'm going to write a sequel so keep a look out for that!

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