Chapter 2

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Thomas rolled Newt off as carefully as he could, though very quickly, and rushed to stand up to face Newts' attacker. His eyes took a moment to adjust, but when they did, his face shaped into a glare and his blood began to heat. 

"Teresa, what did you... what are you" he sputtered. She stood in front of him, syringe in one hand, emptied, and his gun in the other. She stared at him blankly. Her face was so relaxed, which only made Thomas angrier.

He lunged in her direction, not quite sure what his next move was but he had let his feelings take over.

In a better physical and mental state than Thomas, Teresa dodged him with a simple sidestep. She turned to face him, holding out her hands and softening her face.

"Thomas please, listen to me, I can explain." Thomas charged again, unsatisfied with his missed attempt. She once again moved to the side.

"We can help him, you can—"she continued, but Thomas cut her off again.

"You traitor" he panted, hands on his knees and eyes planted on hers.

"I didn't think you would go any lower". He weakly made his way for her once more and having enough, Teresa grabbed his shoulders, looked him in the eyes, and screamed, "LISTEN TO ME".

Thomas shut up. "We don't have much time so please just... listen, okay?" Thomas let out a huff in reluctant agreement.

"Newt is not dead, okay? I didn't kill him. He's just sedated. Now look, I know you have no reason to trust me, but you honestly have no other choice." Thomas didn't object. Theresa took a deep breath.

"I tested your blood, Thomas. The reason Brenda is alive is that she's cured. You cured her." Thomas's breathing slowed and he glanced over at Newt, tears still sitting in his eyes. He didn't know when they had arrived.

"If you come with me I can promise you that Newt will live and neither of you will be harmed. Please, Thomas, I am begging you." She followed Thomas's gaze to Newt.

"Save him." Thomas looked back at Teresa.

After everything she had done, all the danger she had put them in, she was right, he shouldn't trust her. But what she was saying was so tempting.

He was so tired, so sick of running. Also, losing Newt was looking like the only other option. So, out of desperation and exhaustion, he let out a meek "Okay."

Thomas followed her, pulling Newt behind him on a foldout bed Teresa brought out. They made their way up the entrance flight of stairs and rushed across the entryway to the elevator.

Before they could load on, Thomas saw a woman walking towards them. spinning to see who he feared it was. He felt like he should react but no reaction came. It was Ava. Maybe he should feel more upset that the woman who spent all her time trying to drain them of their life was standing in front of him, but right then, all Thomas could focus on was Newt.

"Ah Teresa, you were right"

"Told you it would be faster than using the speakers" Teresa smiled proudly. What a pet.

"Was she lying?" Thomas asked, voice quiet and scratchy.

"What Thomas?"

Clearing his throat, he repeated more urgently, "Is Teresa lying? Can I save Newt? And are you gonna hurt us?" Ava chuckled.

"Oh Thomas, no. We're not going to hurt you or your friend." She then pasted on a smugger smile, one that matched more closely to Teresa.

"But yes, she was telling the truth, Thomas. Your blood is the cure, and we're going to give it to Newt as soon as we can make it."

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