Chapter 6

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Later that night, the group had broken off, some going to eat food, Brenda going to talk to Jorge, leaving him and Newt by themselves. They made their way over to a bench, but Newt didn't sit on its top, instead, sitting on the ground and using the plank of wood as a makeshift backrest.

He sat down next to Newt, leaning against the bench that bordered the bonfire. They sat in comfortable silence for a minute or so before Newt spoke.

"This doesn't feel real," he said with a confused tone behind his proclamation. They turned to each other, faces only a couple of feet apart.

"Which part, the freedom part, or the being alive part?" Thomas smiled.

"Both" Newt said with his eyebrows stitched together, letting out a small chuckle as he turned his focus back to the fire. The silence continued until Newt cleared his throat, preparing to speak again.

"Do you, em, still have that necklace I gave you Tommy?"

"Yeah, Minho took it for safekeeping but I can get it back if you need it," Thomas replied.

"Where'd you get that necklace anyway, what's so special about it?"

Newt chuckled.

"Been a curious shank from the beginning haven't ya Tommy, haven't changed a bit I'll give you that".

"What can I say I like getting answers"

"Then go get the necklace from Minho, would you?" Newt didn't sound nonchalant, if anything he sounded nervous. Thomas wasn't sure why, but if having that necklace would make him feel better, then that necklace was what he was gonna get.

He returned a couple of minutes later, settling back down next to Newt, closer this time to hear what Newt had to say about the evidently priceless necklace.

He offered it over and Newt gave a nod along with a smile as a wordless thank you. He took it into his hands. They were shaking.

Thomas grabbed the one that was free of occupation and took it into his, pressing it between the palms of his hands.

"You're shaking Newt"

"I'm alright, I just may not be the most collected when I show you this, okay?" Newt replied, face reddening slightly at where his hand was.

"Of course, man, take your time."

Newt took a deep breath, giving Thomas's hands a thankful squeeze before breaking free of them. Thomas watched, a bit stunned as Newt twisted one side of the long-tubed pendant and the top and bottom parted. On the inside of the metal sat a rolled-up piece of, what was that, paper?

Yes, paper, a paper that Newt began to unfold, not stopping until it took the shape of a full standard sheet.

Now Thomas really was curious. Then the curiosity was replaced with a swift drop of his stomach when he read over Newt's shoulder the first words:

"Dear Tommy".

The sheet, the letter he guessed, was for him. And judging by the tears welling up in the corner of Newt's eyes, he had never intended to give it to him in person.

Newt rested his head in his hand, and with the other, he extended the letter to Thomas. "Read it, I wrote it for you."

And so, Thomas read, and while it only took a minute to finish, it felt like a lifetime.

A lifetime that he would've spent without Newt.

The reality of what life would've been without him unfolded as he got further and further down the page. One thing was for sure: he had Newt beat in the tear department.

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