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sorry for a chapter all about (Y/n)'s childhood— but, brief breakdown of background story and clarification before moving back onto the story:

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sorry for a chapter all about (Y/n)'s childhood— but, brief breakdown of background story and clarification before moving back onto the story:

- Sang-ah Mae [ biological mother ]
- Silas Valencia [ biological father ]
- Baek-hyun Seon [ father in law ]
- Chul-soo Seon [ uncle in law, Baek-hyun's younger brother, the uncle that had an argument with the Seon heirs ]
- Seok Beom [ is deceased as per last chapter, he was partners in crime with Chul-soo ]

- back when Sang-ah [ (Y/n)'s mother ] was still a ripe heiress to the Mae Corporation she was good friends with Chul-soo Seon [ (Y/n)'s future uncle in law ] and Seok Beom [ abusive man ], Sang-ah was oblivious to Seok's obvious affections for her and instead when she met Silas [ (Y/n)'s father ] she fell in love immediately and married him.

- Seok Beom was obviously opposed to this, because Sang-ah's parents were skeptical of a foreigner [ Silas was part italian and korean ] and he obviously detested Silas. But what everyone didn't know was that Chul-soo Seon also had feelings for Sang-ah.

- fast forward to Carlo's appearance, he shot and killed Seok after affirming (Y/n)'s orders, he then killed every guard in the room. Aside from the guards int he room, no one else knew of the abuse that (Y/n) suffered. Carlo was arrested for homicide, since he had nothing else to lose he chose not to disclose (Y/n)'s abuse, otherwise this would've revealed about her abnormal powers to heal. Because it was revealed that Seok was involved in multiple other crimes and it psychologically justifiable why he killed him, he was sentenced to 10 years of prison.

- fast forward to after Carlo's arrest, Silas died in a fire. This is the fire that (Y/n) was supposedly in and knows the culprit of the fire, the culprit was Chul-soo Seon who killed Silas as 'revenge' for Seok Beom.

- After Silas' death, Sang-ah grew weary and more tired than often, only putting on a front. To cheer her up, Chul-soo Seon invited her to a party where he would get her into his bed. But at the party, she instead met Baek-hyun Seon, his older brother. They then started to see each other in spite of both of their circumstances because they were both widowed. After they got married, Chul-soo Seon was enraged and took it out on (Y/n) just like Seok, because he knew that she was the one that ordered his death.

- At age 13, Chul-soo finally lost it and wanted to take the entire company for himself [ at this point the Seon Conglomerate is made up through multiple marriages including Mae Corporation and Valencia Cartel ], along the lines of his plan he wants to kill his brother and take Sang-ah, but there was another problem and that was (Y/n), he knew that if he killed her, Sang-ah would never forgive him and so he threatened (Y/n) that he'll tear the family apart if she didn't leave, including blackmailing her about Seok's death. Thus, (Y/n) ran away. Although Sang-ah was worried sick, she knows that (Y/n) must've ran away for a good reason, because after Silas's death she lost connection with her daughter so she kind of blames her self about her daughter's absence.

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