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"Lloyd.."(Y/n) mutters under her breath as she pressed her hand on the cold glass. Her brothers standing behind her, all in gloom at their brothers condition.

Lloyd laid on the bed unconscious, the heart monitor thankfully going and up and down at a stable rate.

"How did this happen?" (Y/n) whispers lowly as she whips her head around towards her brothers.

"How did Lloyd end up like this? What the hell happened?! Was it Chul-soo?! It was him wasn't it?! If he wants me so badly— I'll deliver myself to him—"

"(Y/n), calm down. We don't know if it was Chul-soo for sure yet, but there is an investigation happening already. As for how Lloyd ended up like that— he was poisoned."Ian states as the doctor approaches them, Ian nods and turns around, following the doctor as he explained Lloyds condition.

(Y/n) looks at Ian walking away with the doctor her eyes dejected as she slowly turned back to the glass window.

"How was he poisoned..?" (Y/n) mutters in disbelief as the rest of the brothers shift in their spots, unable to answer.

"We don't know it might've been something he ate or it was injected, they found traces of it in his system. Although we would like to shift the blame to Chul-soo, there isn't enough evidence that he ordered for this to happen." Cain explains as he tucks his hand into his pocket. (Y/n)'s hand shakes before making a fist and banging it gently on the glass, trying to relieve her anger and frustration.

It was Chul-soo— there's no doubt about it..! He wants to tear this family up..! Even if it meant harming my brothers..!

Her chest felt heavy, she thought to herself— she was the one who brought this down on them, perhaps she should finish it with Chul-soo once and for all? That way, no one else but her had to be hurt.


Mhm...? It is morning already...?

(Y/n) lifts up from the bed, rubbing her temple. She had been awake for almost a solid day before she knocked out in one of the spare rooms in the hospital, going into a deep sleep.

I couldn't sleep for a while last night...I didn't think I would wake up so early...

She walked towards the bathroom— taking a quick shower before dressing in some clothes she found on her bedside table. The most probably answer was that her brothers had prepared her some necessities in advanced. An plain white crop shirt and a white jumper with a large black stripe horizontally across the design, the words 'BALENCIAGA' in caps embroidered on the front and back. Matched with ripped blue denim shorts.

Her phone suddenly rings, her mind regretting waking up at all for the day. Bringing the phone up to her ear. She looked in the mirror, evident eye bags under her (e/c) orbs.

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