
176 6 2

Warning(s): Hallucinations, kinda self-harm(?), Panic Attack (probably?)

Let me know if there's anything else I need to add.


"We should release Bad."

The others looked at him as if he was mad. Maybe he was. Well, not really but he supposed it made sense after everything that had happened.

"Skeppy," Puffy sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, "we can't just let a cult leader run free! And we all know that Sam wouldn't allow it either."

"Yeah but he's miserable!" Skeppy argued, "he's a criminal but he still was controlled by the egg somehow!"

And because of him too...

"He..." Ant frowned, "he looks awful Puffy...you should visit him some time..."

The sheep hybrid huffed, arms crossed but didn't say a word.

"Can't we come up with a compromise?," Skeppy suggested, "like we could have him on house arrest instead!"

"We are not putting Bad on house arrest."


"How did you even get Sam to agree to have Bad on house arrest!?"

Skeppy grinned, "just doing what I usually do."

"Probably annoy him," Ant mused.

"Hey! Look, I actually gave Sam a deal—besides he knows what happened to Bad there than anyone else!" The diamond man threw his hands in his air with a groan.

Skeppy then sighed, "besides, Bad and I need to catch up on some lost time...so..."

"Skeppy...don't tell me..." Puffy furrowed her brow, hands on her hips.

He grinned sheepishly.

"I'm technically his guardian."


The vines creaked along with the metal.

"Finally," Skeppy grumbled, "you can leave me alone."

Bad looked up ears twitching at the eyes that looked down at him.


Oh no.


"Get up, Bad."

There was silence from the cell.

The others watched anxiously for a reaction.


"You're going home."


Skeppy popped his head into the cell, "Come on Bad! You're coming with me."

There was a long pause of silence he saw the demon slowly get up, picking up his poncho and slipping it on. His clawed feet clicked on the floor as he slowly made his way out of the cell, shivering.

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