Sugar Daddy turned sour

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Yandere! Taehyung & Jungkook

Requested story: Hi!!!! read all of ur works its all amazing cant believe ur new.. can i request for a yan sugar daddy taehyung x reader x yan sugar daddy jungkook. they found out that that y/n have 2 sugar daddies and they lost their sanity(as if they even have that)...Thank u and YOU GOOD,KEEP GOING💜💞💞💞💞😘😁

Summary: Juggling two guys and getting everything you want from them has always been easy for you, and Taehyung and Jungkook are no exception. Or so you thought.

Trigger warnings: Mentions of non-con, assault, cheating, violence. 

Sunday. Taehyungs day.

You open your webcam, checking your eyeliner quickly in the startup view as you wait for the Tae to pick up on the other side. He pops up quickly a beaming smile filling his face.

"Y/n! Baby, I've missed you." He's radiant. As happy and as bubbly he always is.

You go along listening to him excitedly run through his past few days, telling you everything in excruciating detail as he jumps from one half-finished thought to another. He may be an adult but he certainly has a young soul. The whole while you feign attention, your fingers continually fidgeting with the diamond necklace or the matching bracelet he had sent you a few weeks back.

"How was your weekend?" He finally gets around to asking.

"Not so good. I always have to work so much," You complain, batting your eyes at the camera.

"You could always quit and come live with me." He jokes-but not really. It's a topic he has raised 3 times already. And you have the same answer ready as always.

"Daddy, you know I'm a strong and independent woman. I could never let someone else pay for me." You pout, running your tongue over your lower lip while pushing your chest up a little to draw attention. "It's just my rent is so expensive. I feel like I work just to pay the bills."

In truth, your rent is already being covered by someone else. But he doesn't need to know that.

While you continue to run through the fabricated details of your weekend, Taehyung is distracted, looking down at his phone. You know what's happening. It's like a game. And you're winning. Your banking app sends a notification, letting you know that K. Taehyung has just sent you a payment.

You open it up. Yep. That's rent for the month. Or more, money for that new TV you wanted.

"Oh! Daddy, noo." You whine down the camera. "You can't. I am okay. Really. Please don't spend your money on me." You frown if only to stop the smile that is fighting to fill your face.

"I want to baby. I have the money, and I just want you to be happy. Don't stress about bills okay. I'm here."

Sometimes, it's almost too easy.

"Okay Daddy, if you insist."

Tuesday. Jungkooks day.

With Jungkook it's a much more straightforward transaction. He has said he wants to pay for you and he hates the back and forth pretences. He just wants you to say thank you, smile pretty, and give him all your attention.

"Do you need anything more for the week?" He asks through the camera.

"No Daddy, you take such good care of me. Thank you." You smile.

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