F O U R - R E A L I T Y

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Hermione's resolve started to falter as quickly as it had emerged. They were half way to Hagrid's and Harry still hadn't stopped talking about how worried he was and that he was now definite something was going on.

Hermione had yet to admit it to herself, but the reason she hated him saying it so much was because she knew he was right. The unease in her stomach had been increasing since the moment she arrived at Hogwarts, in only 2 days her anxiety had returned as if she were back in the war. She decided that the Malfoy stuff was unimportant if that were the case, so it would be useless to distract Harry with it.

Hagrid greeted the three warmly, ushering them in so he could close the door. He had aged in the war, his skin was dull and sunken, the greys much more obvious and striking in his wiry hair and beard. His large frame would have still been intimidating to a stranger, but as a friend Hermione thought he looked like a small child, hunched over and lost.

"Glad to 'ave seen 'ermione this mornin' to get you all 'ere!" Hagrid spoke in his gruff voice, clutching his mug awkwardly. "It's good to 'ave you 'ere again..." He trailed off, a lot of unsaid things hung in the air like mist.

"Likewise Hagrid! Always nice to see a friendly, familiar face- especially now!" Ginny offered, smiling and naturally easing the tension as she had always been able to do.

"You 'ave no idea 'ow right you are..." Hagrid trailed off once again, and got up to go over to his sink and start washing his mug. Hermione and Harry had seen him avoiding spitting out the truth for years now, and shared a knowing look.

"So, Hagrid, what was it that you wanted to tell us?" Hermione asked directly; she knew it was the only way she was going to get an answer. Hagrid's eyes shifted from side to side.

"Wha? I don't think I ever said anything like that... no, no, definitely not...just wanted to see ya all, like old times." Harry shook his head and placed a hand on the large wizard's arm before replying.

"Hagrid I know that look, you look guilty, which means you're hiding something. That fact you feel you should tell us means you definitely should. So just get it out, the sooner we know, the sooner we can sort it out."

The room was silent for a long time, only the sound of small sips could be heard. Then, without any indication, Hagrid just started speaking.

"It's all 'earsay, it's not- but they're right, it's undeniable. I should not be saying any of this... Right, okay, 'ere goes it- let's just say the men I like to do business with are all wising up with their gold. They say something bigger is coming; we need to be prepared. I brushed it off at first, but you 'ave to read the signs in front of you. There's still talk of-" Hagrid looked around, lowering his voice- "'you-know-who' on the street. They say the war ain't over, just paused. Truth be told, I make 'em right."

The silence filled the room once again as they all processed what had just been said. Hermione spoke first.

"Okay, but nothing for certain? Its natural for people to be anxious after what the wizarding world just went through, I'm sure its nothing." The unease hadn't uncoiled from her insides yet but she tried to convince herself of what she was saying. She wanted so badly to believe it. Harry not so much.

"Hermione, you're not listening. These are people Hagrid does business with, meaning that a lot of them aren't on the right side of the law and probably have connections to all sorts of dark wizards- no offence of course Hagrid." Hagrid shook his head and pulled a face to show Harry he was right. "I think we should be smart about this."

"What do you mean, 'be smart about this'? There is nothing to do, he's dead and you know it Harry, we got all the Horcruxes- you killed him yourself!" Hermione desperately hoped Harry would agree with her but he simply looked more determined.

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