11 - Hit List

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When i pulled up in my cousin tasha drive way . i went and knocked on the door . she opened the door and smiled

Tasha - Moonie babyy , i missed you

Me - I missed you too Sug , i signed

Tasha- Whats wrong ?

Me - my sister nene is the problem

Tasha - Oh that bitch

Me - You knew bout her to Sug ?

Tasha - yahh . soo whats up, cause i know she bad news .

i told her the story and she signed

Tasha - She aint doing this by herself so we can start this hit list . They finna reconize Sug back in town . So you already know our first move .

Sug and Moon Back in this bitch

Sug went and got her shoes so we could head back to the trap. Thats something yall dont know about me and sug was we used to run the trap together but now she got one of our best sellers to run it . We going back to the trap to get information on Nene when we arrived at the trap we went to the doorr and type the password in and called meeting asap.

Tasha-We need all the information we can get on Eternity Jalese Lewis Now get to it

later that night with half the trap doing trap shit and the other half getting information some people finally go us some information and this bitch

Zoria - turns out she jus got out of the sight ward 2 months ago they tried to say she had killed over 5women but there was no proof and she was acting crazy and shit so the put her in the sight ward so heres the picture of the women she murdered , andif yall kknow where she lives we can go to her house because she is gone out of town for 3 months

ME &SUG - we know where she lives

zo handed us the paper and we looked at the pictures but one caught our eyes i felt my eyes get really watery while iwas looking at the face i saw a tear fall i knew it wasnt mine cause my were forming i looked up and looked at sug and she just broke down the picture was sug mama they never told us who killed my aunt they just allways said they were working on it then they saidtheynever found no information about it so they close the case but turns out it was her all along some times i wonder is she even my sister why would she kill her own aunt but on the paper of my famile she is she came from my mothers pussy ,she a dead bitch walking now . i held sugwhile she cried i found myself crying and zo and some more people fromthe trap holding us

me - put a hit on that bitch " i managed to say threw my sobbs "

*later that night *

later on that night when i decided i wanted to go home . i know august big mouth ass finna say some shit but his ass better

But that was all 3 Months Ago When I Put That Bitch On My Hit List !

Noticed i never gave a birthday for the quads bday is May 29 , << My Glo Day >> Okay im sorry i haven't been updating Ive Been going threw Some Stuff , Recovering from a panic attack , But Im Back Now Better And Happy , Everything happens for a reason ,

SOO ! Any thoughts on Sug ? Moon ? Eternity ?

New prologue got you thinking ?? NOO IM NOT GONE KILL BABY APRIL OFF

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