chapter 2: curiosity got the best of me

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It was around midnight Amity laying in bed staring into the darkness, she sat up and grabbed her book and left through her window walking away from her house into the woods heading towards her hangout spot she could see the stars shining through out the cold night it was again calm and silent suddenly she had a flashback of that wolf in the cave 'Who is she, I hope I'll see her again' Amity then sat down under a tree and began reading
On chapter 13 she stood up and walked deeper into the forest
Something about that wolf and how she could just shape into something having the ability to speak knowing that which made her believe there's something more to that wolf then meets the eye. Hearing a twig snap behind her made her stop in her tracks
She turned back to only see red eyes moving towards her
Amity knew somehow that wasn't the wolf girl, she ran as fast her legs could carry her
And fell into a damp bush scrapping her knee she covered her mouth to mute her scream
Suddenly she felt something dripping from her knee and a stinging sharp pain then felt like something is watching her 'fuck! I'm dead' something jumped at her ready to dig their claws onto Amity she closed her eyes shut getting ready for the impact but when It didn't come she looked to see those golden brown eyes
The wolf digging her teeth in the monsters leg blood dripping down the blight was frozen in fear the wolf yanked the shadowy figure smacked against a boulder, the wolf ran to Amity picking her up using her teeth grabbing her by the shirt running away with her "Where are you taking me!?" Amity shouted the wolf brought her to a deeper area into a strange looking house jumping through the window into a slight dark room and dropped her onto a bed the room seemed like someone or something still lives here she looked into the eyes of the wolf Amity lifted her hand to touch the wolf noticing the color of her fur dark brown fur with tan fur patches the wolf flinched with her ears going down and her tail between her  legs "hey it's okay I'm sorry I yelled earlier thank you for saving me" the wolf seemed to understand her? But how? The wolf then moved closer allowing the blight to pet her and give her a little scratch under the chin the wolf started wagging her tail and ran and grabbed something holding it in her mouth bringing to what was a med kit and dropped the med kit onto her lap Amity got the message and began using the kit for her bleeding knee cap after she finished she noticed the wolf was limping but attempting to hide it she sat up and gently holding her paw bandaging her paw "you got hurt while saving me.." The wolf laid down into her lap a minute passed by "I have to go home now" the wolf whimpered but then helped her up giving Amity a sign to get on her back she held onto the wolf,
The wolf then jumped out the window running into the forest she was a lot faster then before before she knew it she was home
"I guess you've figured out where I lived huh?" She slid down off the wolf and turned back to the wolf "hey can I see you again?" The wolf wagged her tail and snuggled onto Amity
"So I'll take that as a yes" Amity gave the wolf one last Pat on the head Amity then climbed up and through her window and got in bed and staring up at the ceiling
And fell asleep
{ Time skip }
"Hey mittens get up!" Amity huffs and hit her face onto her pillow "what" Ed and Em looked at each other and closed the door "we saw a wolf bring you back what was that all about"
Amity sat up fast wide eyes "can you to stop getting into my business?" Amity yawned and looked at her siblings "I don't feel like going to school today I'll just pretend im sick" Ed and Em smirk and nodded their heads "we can help if you tell us about that wolf" "I'm not telling you much so don't expect a story time" they both agreed
{ Time skip }
Dumbass 1: so what happened last night mittens?

Dumbass 2: yeah mittens

Me: me and my friends went to go meet up in the forest long story short I met a wolf creature

Dumbass 1: woah did it try to bite you?

Me: no

Dumbass 2: seems like we've seen the wolf likes you

Me: it saved me last night

Dumbass 2: you gotta tell us more when we get back home!

Me: no

Dumbass 1: plsssssss 🙏

Dumbass 2: plssssss

Me: I'll think about it
Amity putted down her scroll phone and the thought of the wolf popped in her head again
"I miss the wolf already"
Amity looked through her window watching the leafs blowing across the ground watching the small blades of grass moving along side then she noticed a paw print left next to her living room outside
{ time skip } (sorry-)
After Amity's siblings got home she explains everything due to them spamming her while she was trying to read she noticed
Something lurking around also seeing the bushy fluffy tail
Amity was gonna leave her room  to see her favorite wolf but remembered her siblings were there "where you going mittens?" She sighed "I think I see my wolf friend outside" "we wanna see her" they followed her outside the window walking towards their hideout the wolf ran up to Amity sitting down holding her Azura book in her mouth "I must have forgotten that last night" Amity held the book and putted the book in her bag and petted the wolf Ed and Em looking a bit surprised when seeing the wolf "maybe she'll let you pet her" Ed rises his hand slightly allowing the wolf to sniff his hand Ed then started petting the wolf the three blight siblings petting the wolf and trying to guess her name "what do you think her name is" "no idea"
The wolf tilted her head knowing how confused they are she found it amusing to watch them guess her name
"Hey mittens we are gonna go inside so mom doesn't get suspicious of us" they leave Amity and the wolf alone she turned to the wolf "so yeah they are my siblings" "so I have something to ask you" the wolf then gave deep eye contact "so you have the ability to shape shift? Remember what you told me in the cave?" The wolf then stood up and showing signs she wanted Amity to follow she agreed and they left into another cave, The wolf started shape shifting into something more human like she looked to be about the same age as her brown hair light brown eyes her clothing seemed to be in perfect shape "yes I remember" Amity froze but then gathered courage to keep talking to her "what's your name?" "I'm Luz but just know you and your siblings are the only ones who can know about this" "sure" "so Luz thanks again for saving me" "anytime Amity"

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