introduction | extended summary + cast

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 "One summer, that's it. I'll give her one summer. I don't owe her anything more." 


          Twenty-seven year old Mira Petersen is New York's most up-and-coming journalist, who thought she had it all figured out. Loving parents, a great career, and a potential hookup-turned-possible-relationship just around the corner. 

After the sudden passing of her estranged biological mother, Mira receives a letter urging her back into a North Carolina seaside town for the summer to reconnect with family and slowly unravel the long-lost mother she could've had. Through letters, journals, and stories of the woman she used to be, a portrait is painted of Kiara Lennox, Mira's mother and local icon of the sleepy North Carolina town. But all Mira wants to believe is that she was a complex woman who gave her up as a baby. What more is there? 

And yet, she purchases a ticket to Northampton Cove to learn more. What people don't know? She is only doing this in order to write her biggest expose piece yet for the New York Daily. Nothing more, and certainly not to reconnect with fragments of a woman who tossed her aside. She simply needs to fool the town - and herself - into feigning a sliver of interest long enough to write a great piece, then high-tail it back to the city as soon as possible. 

The one constant friction point that is obstructing her next greatest piece, aside from the small-town gossipers of Northampton Cove, is continuously running into the annoyingly charismatic Adam Laurier, the local lifeguard & her mother's neighbor who may just be the key to figuring out who her mother really was, and who Mira should really be.  

With the help of Northampton Cove and Adam, Mira slowly pieces together the parts that make up half of her through a woman she never knew, but is forever a part of her. 


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          Hi again! Yes, this is a new story :) I promise it will be written. Yes, that is a hefty promise after being gone for so long, but hey, ya girl's a college graduate now with too much time on her hands and who feels the need to exercise writing before diving back into long awaited projected (ahem, ahem, the sequel of TMH, I know), so here is a short story about a summer by the seaside that I promise will be delivered in under twelve parts or less. This is meant to be a short piece so that I can ease back into writing again, pls be gentle :)))))) 

        Also, I missed you guys! Hope you're all doing well! 

       - Paulina 

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