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Dearest Mira, 

           I hope this letter finds you well. If it does find you, I'm sorry to say that it means I am no longer here. 

        I am sorry that I never got to see the young woman I know you became. I am sorry that we never got to meet face to face again. Someone sent this letter because it means it's time to come back home to Northampton Cove. Wherever you are in the world, I hope you come back to North Carolina. This is where I grew up, right here on the coast where the sand meets the sea. You'll find your Gramps and Mama here, where they raised me and your Uncle Brandon in the house by the creek. You'll find the town where I planned to raise you, and where you were meant to call home. 

I know our time was cut short, but I hope you grow to understand why I made the decisions I made. After all, I just know you're a fine young lady now who turned out just wonderful with options and choices I knew I couldn't give you. I wished I could have seen your accomplishments, your first walk, your first words, and your future feats in life. However, we will meet again, and I hope you come back home to Northampton. Here are folks that will take care of you till your last dying breath. You're a part of this community, and I hope you come back to see the folks that make up half of you. 

I am sorry for the things I've done, but I am very proud of you. I will see you again. 



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