Chapter 3

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Before she could stop herself, his name escaped her lips in a whisper. He noticeably flinched when Amarissa called his name. He hated the sound of his name on her lips. It stirred something deep inside him, something he hadn't felt in a long time. Yearning.


"Is this the only reason you came here?" Bastien asked as she shuffled through a stack of papers before her. "You seem to have a set goal in mind."

She ignored Bastien for the moment and looked to the papers in her lap. Amarissa's face changed, her lips pressing slightly into a frown. Why did Lucian make every damn thing so complicated? It made her furious, just thinking about him.

Bastien's eyes followed her hands. "Are those perhaps—"

He stopped mid-sentence, understanding her purpose for coming. Immediately he regretted his words. Bastien glanced at Amarissa and she nodded.

"My annulment papers."

"Duke Elrod wants to annul the engagement with you?" he asked. He spoke in a lowered voice, even though it was apparent they were quite alone. "Can he even do such a thing?"

"It's none of your business," she said coldly. She shot him a sour look. "It's not worth worrying about anyways."

He looked tired, there were shadows beneath his green eyes, but he smiled at Amarissa. His smile looked as if it might be genuine, but she knew better. It went against every instinct she had to let Bastien back into her life.

"You never said anything to me about that or sought my help," he said. His words were a whisper, barely audible. "Why did I not know anything about it?"

"Bastien, I appreciate your concern," she said carefully. "But I really don't need your help."

They just sat there in silence, not even looking at one another, just staring at the floor. The two had grown up together. They spent time with each other off and on for many years. Despite everything, she couldn't bring herself to believe his kindness.

"What happened to us?" asked Bastien. "How did we grow so far apart?"

"You've changed," she said. The words were so awful, but she had to say them. "You became selfish."

The words came straight from her heart. She had read all about how Bastien treated Amarissa like a piece of trash. He had used her and discarded her when her usefulness was done.

"I haven't changed all that much," he said, nervously fidgeting with his thumb. "I just grew up, that's all."

"You haven't."

"Haven't what?"

"Grown up."

He stiffened at her words. Was this really his childhood friend? Everything about her seemed different and yet the same.

When they were young she would follow him around like a faithful puppy. She would always, no matter what, look at him and smile kindly. But now Bastien knew she had drawn the boundary line very clearly between them.

It was like Amarissa had buried away her fleeting thoughts of love. Whether in a familial, platonic, or romantic sense. She didn't want anyone's affection anymore. Not even his.

"You know we can't be friends anymore," Amarissa said. She seemed as if she was about to cry, but she didn't. "Because I can't carry your pain."

You'll find someone better, she thought. She'll wipe your tears away.

Suddenly the door flew open. Amarissa looked up through the curve of her long eyelashes, meeting a pair of blue eyes. But when their eyes met, she didn't see the coldness she'd expected to find. Instead, his eyes flashed in an anger she'd never seen before.

"Lucian," she said.

Before she could stop herself, his name escaped her lips in a whisper. He noticeably flinched when Amarissa called his name. He hated the sound of his name on her lips. It stirred something deep inside him, something he hadn't felt in a long time. Yearning.

"Your Grand Ducal Highness," he said through clenched teeth. Then his gaze flickered over to Bastien, sitting beside her, and remained for a moment. "And who are you?"

"Bastien Whitaker," Bastien said with a grin. "It's nice to meet you."

"Ha," he scoffed. A small smile pulled at the corner of his mouth. "Lord Bastien Whitaker—the Marquis of Whitaker's second son."

Was she trying to make him jealous? Probably. He knew that the witch was up to her evil tricks again.

"I will never give you the kind of attention you desire," he said. "Your attempts are futile, Your Grand Ducal Highness."

Lucian turned his gaze on her face again, and she lifted her eyes to his, to let him see what was to be seen. She knew she was beautiful. And she knew it affected him.

"I need not, I trust, remind you that we are no longer engaged," Amarissa said. She held up the papers. "Sign the annulment papers. And I will never, so long as I live, bother you again."

"Why should I?" he asked. Twisting his lip devilishly, he muttered, "Why should I give Your Grand Ducal Highness what she wants?"

"Bastard," she hissed. "Why do you make things so bloody difficult for me?"

"Because"—He paused to draw a breath, his blue eyes flashing dangerously—"I like seeing you like this."

"Like what?"

"Desperate," Lucian said. He smiled. A smile that sent shivers up her spine. "So, so desperate."

Lucian irritated her. He infuriated her. She wanted to make him feel and react—to become as irritated as she was. Amarissa realized Bastien was staring at her. He looked as if he wanted to say something, but he held his tongue. A slight mocking smile played about her lips as she looked at him. Perfect, she thought.

"Does it make you angry?" she asked Lucian. Her lips curved up in a mocking smile. "The thought of Lord Bastien's hands roaming over every inch of your fiancée's body?"

Amarissa knew the words hit their mark. She could see him flinch—and it gave her a surprisingly pleasant feeling of satisfaction. How amusing, she thought. Should I keep going?

She wrapped her arms around Bastien's neck and pulled his face close to hers. But it was only when she could feel his breath stir across her lips that she realized just how devastatingly handsome he truly was.

He had curly blond hair, and deep green eyes. She could smell the masculine scent that was coming from his clothes, coming from his body. But it was the way he looked at her. The look of unbridled lust in his eyes made something stir within her.

"Bastien," she whispered.

The way she said his name sent arrows of need through him. How had he thought when he first met her that she wasn't beautiful? His eyes flicked over her, noting the beauty of her features, something he had never paid attention to before.

And then it happened. Amarissa was kissing him.

 Amarissa was kissing him

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Sorry for the late update. I got into a car crash yesterday, the night I was supposed to upload, but I'm feeling a lot better now!

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