Chapter 5

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"If you're going to kill me, do it now. It's a beautiful night to die."


It was after midnight when she returned to the manor. She'd deliberately stayed out late to avoid any possible contact with her father, who luckily for her, had shown no interest in Amarissa whatsoever. The Archduke didn't care much for her either. At least he didn't care enough to stand by her when she'd tried to tell him the truth.

"I would like to walk the rest of the way," she told the coachman. All she wanted was to slip off for a quiet stroll under the stars. "It's just a short walk to my father's manor, and it's not like I'm eager to return."

"Your Grand Ducal Highness, it is dangerous"—he pulled the carriage to a stop in front of the manor gate—"to walk alone at this time of night."

"Just do what I say." She hopped out of the carriage without waiting for the coachman's assistance. "I won't be telling you again, since I don't like repeating myself."

"Yes, Your Grand Ducal Highness," he told her, his face pale with fear. The carriage jolted forward. "I will take my leave now."

Amarissa felt invincible. After she had decided something, no one could change her mind, and nobody would ever dare try. Under the moonlight, she felt alive. She felt powerful.

"How pretty," she muttered to herself. She paused for a moment, her expression almost peaceful as she gazed up into the night sky. "I feel as if I might wake up from this dream at any moment. It still doesn't feel real. None of this feels real."

Maybe, just maybe, she thought to herself, I could get a do-over. Maybe this is my second chance.

Suddenly, she heard the sharp crunch of a branch, as though a foot had snapped it. Amarissa thought for a moment that she hadn't heard it right, but then she was certain she had. Someone was there, hiding in the darkness, watching her.  

"Is... is someone there?" she stammered. Amarissa felt every muscle in her body tense. "Do show yourself. I haven't time to play games with you."

"What's a lovely lady like yourself doing out alone tonight?"

Looking around, she tried to figure out from what direction the voice had come. She saw the figure of a man, hiding in the darkness, the fabric of his cloak catching the faint moonlight. His features weren't visible, but she could see the way his white-blonde hair shone in the soft light. It made him look like an angel.

"Don't be afraid," he said, moving closer. He raised his hands in a gesture to show her he wasn't a threat. "I won't hurt you." 

"That's close enough," she said. Amarissa could sense that he was a dangerous man. She spoke composedly, though she hid a trembling hand in a fold of her skirt. "I believe you owe me an introduction." 

He let out a chuckle. "I don't owe you anything, little girl."

"Aren't you here to kill me?" she asked, somewhat amused. No fear or hesitation tainted her voice. Instead, the words fell easily from her soft, pink lips. "I think the least you can do for me is tell me your name."

The figure took another step forward and his features focused into view in the dimness. Amarissa's breath snagged in her chest when she caught sight of his handsome face. He truly looked like an angel.

"An angel," she breathed out involuntarily. 

"That's cute," he teased as the corner of his lips lifted slightly. His beautiful smile nearly made her heart stop. "An angel, you say?"

"I meant nothing by it," she said, thankful that the dark hid her blush from him. She took a step backwards, creating more distance between them. "Are you going to kill me?"

"No," he said. His hazel eyes captured hers for a moment and then dipped lower, raking her slowly from head to toe. "At least, not yet. I only wanted to look for a way to sneak a peek, but—"


He grinned wickedly. "You must have quite a mouth on you to seduce a man so completely."

"Ha," scoffed Amarissa, turning her attention once again to the night sky. "If you're going to kill me, do it now. It's a beautiful night to die."

She silently waited for his response, but heard only the soft rustle of wind. Again the man had disappeared into the night. It was him. She knew it was him. The man who was going to kill her on her twentieth birthday.



"Brother, you're home," the girl said. The corner of her lips curved up in a smile. "Did you enjoy your outing?"

Outside, as the wind rustled softly, the moonlight illuminated her platinum-blond hair. Thelong strands fluttered in the wind like the leaves on the trees, andher white dress danced in the breeze. She looked so angelic, almostas if she came down from heaven.

"Why are you awake at this hour?" he asked, slipping his cloak off. He draped it around her shoulders with a gentle touch. "I told you not to wait up for me, didn't I?"

"You were gone for so long that I started to worry."

"All right, then." He sighed. "Let's head inside before it gets too cold."

She smiled at him as she took his arm; but for some reason, Atticus felt uncomfortable at her touch. He shook his head, trying to push away the feeling. He loved his little sister. She had always been his favourite.

"So did you see her when you were there?" Elsie asked. With a dark expression, she bit her lips and said, "Lucian's fiancée? I never knew he was engaged. He had never mentioned it."

He blew out a sigh. "Well, I looked for her all over, just like you asked me to."


"She's an interesting girl," he said as a slight smile curled his lip. Even now he could still remember the way the moonlight caught her hair and eyes. "But I don't think she'd hurt you, El. Believe me, there's no reason to be scared."

"But I'm still scared." Elsie lowered her face to hide her smirk. "After all, she's a wicked, wicked woman."

Author's Note:

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Author's Note:

Did you drink enough water today?

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