Chapter 2

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-time skip-

Hercules POV

We got home pretty late, around 5-6 pm or so. "I'll be in the shower if you need me Mon amour." Laf said, kissing my forehead. I nod in response. His face grows more concerned. "Hercules, what's wrong?" He sits next to me. "Mon amour, you've been acting strange all day, did I do something wrong?" D*MN HIM AND HIS ADORABLE FACE!! I shake my head. "No! Laf you could never..It's nothing, okay? Trust me.." I said. He nods and shoots me another smile before going to the bathroom. D*mn, I have a good husband heh. I rub my stomach and smile softly.

-time skip-

Laf's POV

I got dressed when I found something thin and white on the floor. Confused, I picked it up. It's a pregnancy test??? And it was positive.. I KNEW IT I bet that's why Hercules was acting so strange today!

I heard a click. Assuming it was the front door. I walk out of the bathroom, I find a note on the counter "Went for a walk, be back later, Hercules ❤️" Ah.

-time skip (the things that happened in the last book about Herc going missing and stuff-

We sat next to each other, silently. Until I spoke up. I needed to know. "...Hercules, what's the real reason you didn't tell me?" I intertwined our hands. He turned away. "Please?" I asked. I put a hand on his cheek, he leaned into it looking at me."I-I was scared..I didn't know if you would want to keep it or not.." he muttered. I rubbed his cheek softly . "Of course I would want to keep it. What made you think I wouldn't?" He shrugged. I put a hand on his stomach, he flinched at contact so I pulled away quickly. He lifted his shirt then pulled my hand to touch it. The bump was small, but noticeable. "When?" I asked. "I found out officially this morning.." I hugged him. I feel his arms slowly hug me back. I hear him crying softly. I pull away and wipe his tears. "What's wrong, mon amour?" He smiles. "Nothing. I'm just really happy." He says. I scooped him up bridal style in my arms "Well you should be! You have my little one in you!" He starts laughing. "Okay! Okay! Just put me down!" I did but I cuddled him. "So, names?" He asked me. "Hm. I always thought Natalie was a pretty name.." It really is. He nods. "And I like Julien if it's a boy.." (I literally just googled these.)

-time skip-

I woke up, alone. I got up to see Hercules sitting on the counter eating cake. "...Hi." He said before taking another bite. "...Mon amour I love you, I really do but why the actual f*ck are you eating cake at 2 am." I deadpanned. "I was hungry...?" He said sheepishly. I walk over to him and shove my face in his chest. (Herc has them mommy milkers. Shutting up now.)"Come back to bed.." I lifted him by his thighs. "Nooo! My caaaakee!" He whined.

Hercules POV

My cake :( it was still on the counter. "Laf at least let me finish my cake!" I whined. "No, you're comfy and I'm sleepy." He deadpanned. "Oh bite me *sshole." He gives me a look then bites the inside of my thigh which causes me to let out a moan. "Laf what the hell!?" "...You said 'bite me' I did." He says. I hit him in the back of the head. "Ow! Okay, I deserve that." "Now let me eat my cake!" I say trying to crawl out of bed. Laf picks me up and puts me back in bed hugging my waist. "LAF!!" "Non, sleeeeeep." "Mmmm fine! But if you want my *ss next time, you have to earn it." I shot at him. "Fair point, now sleeeeeep." I did fall asleep afterwards.

It was a peaceful night.

673 words (the next chapter will have a big time skip, cause this story was supposed to kinda short anyway maybe like 5-7 chapters or so)

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