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(This book was gonna be kinda short anyway like 5-6 chapters, no Herc is not having his baby now. Or is he? Jk no he's not. He's like 7 months in so- oooooorrrrr- I'm kidding, haha. He's definitely having his baby.)


Hercules POV

Me and Laf sneak away and a full on brawl develops between Adrienne and Peggy. Something still didn't sit right with me. Soon we got far enough away. "L-Laffy? Why didn't you tell me about her?" He looks at me. "Because, she was controlling and homophobic. I didn't tell you because I knew she would do something remotely crazy like this Mon Amour. I didn't know if she would hurt you or our baby." He says putting a hand on my stomach. I smile softly and nod. My smile turns into a face of surprise as Peggy LITERALLY holds a PIECE OF ADRIENNE'S HAIR. "Okay let's go home, because we are not bailing Peggy out right now-"


-time skip-

Hercules fell asleep a while ago. I carry him to bed, however since he's tiny compared to me, he's not that heavy, surprisingly. I lay him down and put a blanket on him. I cuddle his waist. I feel him snuggle up to me. "I love you Laffy..." I kiss his forehead. "I love you too, Mon Amour..."

-the next morning-

Hercules POV

I woke up yawning, and with an arm around me. I hear yawning behind me. "Good morning Laffy.." I mutter feeling his hand softly rub the side of my stomach. "Good Morning Mon Amour..." I hear him say. I turn my head to him and kiss his cheek. He sits up and helps me up. I lean on him and put my chin on his shoulder. "Can't we just sleep in today? I'm tired~.." I pout. "Unfortunately we can't Mon Amour." He frowns. "Why not?" I ask. "You have a doctor's appointment today." He explains. I sigh, to be honest, I forgot. "But I'm sleepy, the baby was kicking all night." I whine. "Sorry, but that's no excuse Hun." I sigh, "Fine." I deadpanned defeatedly. Laf intertwines our hands.

Laf kisses my cheek repeatedly. "Okay! Okay! Laf I'm up!!" I yell out laughing. "Good! Now where's my kiss?" He asks expectantly. I peck his lips. "There." He smiles. Laf bends down and kisses my stomach. "One for you too." I snort, "That was cheesy Laf." I say laughing a little bit. "I know but come on." he says in defense. He puts a hand on my cheek, I lean into it and then I lean so far I end up laying back down. "Herc-" "Noooooo!" I whined once again. "I just wanna sleep all day Laffy.." I protest

-time skip- (after the appointment and they're at home, cause I'm lazy)

Well sh*t. I gave in. it wasn't all that bad..I got to see our baby. I intertwine Laf and my hand. We still don't know the gender yet. I kinda want it to be a girl..Laf wants it to be a boy. So we're still at war about it, but that's cool I guess. "Herc' you okay? You haven't eaten since this morning." I nod "I'm fine" I said with a soft smile. I bite down on my lip a little and rub the side of my stomach. Laf comes next to me and rubs my back. "Do you want me to stay with you? I don't have to go today." I glared at him, "Go, I'll be fine." I peck his lips. "Fine.." he gets up, but then he turns around. "Are you s-" "LAFAYETTE. I AM PERFECTLY FINE, GO."

-another time skip, brought to you by, what the actual hell are pizzas with folded tops?-

I wince again. So, there's a slight chance I might be in labor. F*CK. I stand up and grab my phone *because he was too lazy to grab it and instead he's been watching netflix like every other NORMAL person* I pull up Laf's number when I suddenly feel water run down my legs.

Laf POV (I didn't change his job, he's still working at the post, cause I'm lame and lazy, haha that has a nice ring to it)

I picked up my phone and it was Hercules?

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