Chapter 2: Moving out and Entrance Exam

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Author: Heyo everyone! Ok, so this chapter will hold Izuku moving out of the Yagi house and into an apartment closer to U.A. This will also introduce Izuku's past being exposed to the usual picks of family friends. Kenji will also be moving in with Izuku since the two will become close friends.

Izuku sighed contently as he looked over all the boxes and bags containing his belongings, aside from his now stripped bed and empty desk. After having sold all his rare All Might and Cerebral merch, he gained a lot of money that he's been saving for a place of his own.

Our resident samurai was finally leaving that house of bad memories. Luckily, he wasn't alone in this as one of the smartest people in the world, U.A's principle: Nezu, was backing his decision. He opted to keep this decision under wraps from everyone with Nezu agreeing with the idea.

With his so called parents and Izumi all out of the house, possibly for hours, he finally had a window of opportunity. As he tapes up the last box, he pulled out his phone and called up the contact dubbed as 'Rat God'. After a couple rings, the line was picked up.

Nezu: Izuku! I suppose your call means everything is all set?

The cheerful voice filtered through the receiver.

Izuku: That's right Uncle Nezu. All my belongings are packed up. Did you manage to find an apartment?

Nezu: Of course! Already bought and leased under my name. I informed the apartment owner about your situation so he'll be expecting you.

Izuku: Great. Also, did you tell him about Kenji?

Nezu: Oh right, the Berserk quirk user? I did inform him about you both living together as you'll be both attending U.A.

Izuku: Thanks, Uncle Nezu.

Nezu: No problem, Izuku. I'll be over with Aizawa and a moving crew to get your stuff over to the new apartment in ten minutes. I'll see you then.

Izuku: Alright, bye Uncle Nezu.

Izuku said before hanging up the call, sighing as he went to stand by his open window, looking out to the familiar sight of the city.

Yoshitsune: Izuku. Are you ready?

Izuku chuckled and nodded.

Izuku: Yeah, I am. You know it's strange... despite the terrible past I had within this house, it almost hurts leaving. Even with all the pain, it was all I knew. Leaving it all behind to start a new chapter in my life just... hurts but also feels freeing.

Izuku replied outloud, his smile growing as he spots a moving truck pulling into the driveway, the figure stepping out was the Underground Hero, Aizawa and in his scarf was principal Nezu.

Izuku headed downstairs, opening the door and letting them in.

Izuku: Uncle Aizawa, Uncle Nezu.

Aizawa gave him a tired smile and ruffles the samurai's hair gently.

Aizawa: Ready to start a new chapter in your life?

Izuku: Yeah... Yeah I am.

Izuku smiles.

For the next half hour, Izuku, along with Aizawa, were carrying boxes and bags from his room down to the truck, loading them in.

?: Heeeeey Izuku!

Izuku looked back towards the sidewalk, smiling as he saw Kenji walking up. The country blonde was carrying some things in a large bag upon his back.

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