Meeting the prince... again

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The ding of the bell on the Bakery's door wakes me up from my nap on the counter, my apron has flour on it, my hair is flying out of the messy plait running over my shoulder and I'm pretty sure I have drool on my chin and bags under my eyes.

How I wished that posting that letter was a silly little dream of mine, but I know it truly happened.

The old couple who just walked in smile at me warmly,

"Hello sir, ma'am - what can I get you two this fine morning?" I ask with a warm smile to the elderly couple standing infront of the counter.

"Hello dearie, can we get two Pan au Raisin, three cupcakes- two chocolate and one Red velvet, one croissant and a homemade lemonade please? It is our grandsons birthday so we thought we'd celebrate!" The woman says as she looks at me in a motherly way.

How would I know what a motherly look was like.

I note down their order in my head- the one thing having an Photographic memory comes in use for- unlike reliving the day the news my parents were lost came to me and Bea every night since.

"It will be ready in a few minutes." I say smiling back to them.

The elderly man gives me a heartwarming grin as he asks,

"Are you hoping to get selected this year miss?" It is a simple question that should have a simple enough answer.

But for me, like usual it does not. I laugh politely to the man before saying quietly,

"I am... less than thrilled to have to add my name into the pool this time." I pipe the icing that I had in the fridge onto the two chocolate cupcakes before getting the other icing from the fridge and icing the red velvet cupcake.

"Why ever not honey?" The elderly lady asks politely as I box up their stuff.

"My sister is here and my whole life; I don't want it to all be uprooted because of some silly contest." My tongue hurt from me biting it so I don't say something bad about the honourable royal family.

"I have a feeling this is going to be a blessing in disguise Miss. I am America by the way- this is my husband Max." I shake both of their hands in turn before smiling at the old couple and handing them their food.

"I'm Camilla. Here you go. Have a good day!" I say as America fumbles for her purse until I place my hand on top of hers.

"No please, this one's on me- for your grandsons birthday." The smiles that they both gave me make me almost giddy after they leave.

The music playing from the bar across the street- the white oxen- gives me something to sing along to and dance with Amaree the owner/ baker when there are no customers.

While Amaree creates the delicious delicacies that we sell, I sit in the room behind the main counter with a pen behind my ear and one tapping against my notebook as I think of something to draw.

I start to draw a sketch of the palace, as I see it from my window every day along with a huge view of the mountains beyond.

Just as it begins to come together the door rings, signalling that someone has entered and needs my assistance but I have to finish just one detail...

"Hurry up girl don't leave the customer waiting!" Amaree shouts from the kitchens and I resist an eye roll only because Amaree is my friend.

"Hello welcome to Bittersweet, what can I get you?" I ask wiping my hands on my light blue, semi-corset dress, tying my apron on again before looking up at the customer, not believing my eyes.

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