The girl in the street

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(Carsons POV)

"Father! I'm only twenty I'm not getting married to some stuck up Noblewoman who cannot tell  her elbow from he forearm!" I yell, fuming at the King of Redam or as I call him, father.

My knuckles are white with the force I'm balling them and I'm sure my face is a shade of pink.

Good god my father is delusional.

As I sit on the edge of my seat in his office, he explains that I need to choose a wife from a group of nineteen noblewoman and a commoner.

"And I can choose whomever I want?" I ask calmly looking at my father.

His whole dementor changes to threatening and furious as his eyes darken.

"Yes but someone of high class. If you don't, then you know the drill." He says with venom dripping from his voice, opening a drawer of his desk with the whip in it.

I flinch slightly as he shuts the drawer again loudly. The amount of times I have felt the iron tipped edges of that whip against my back is insurmountable after doing the most tedious of things.

Duke, my Egyptian black and gold hound sits obediently by my side as he stares daggers at my fathers accomplice, a white ice falcon.

"Be gone with Boy." My father shouts and I do as he says.

Once I'm out I decide to sneak off into town. This is probably my last few days of being able too and I've only ever gone on official visits.

I head down the many corridors of the huge palace I live in, smiling at servants as I make my way through the hallways until I get to my huge room.

As quick as I can, I change into some training clothes that I think would help me blend in before   choosing my oldest most run down cloak with a hood to conceal my face.

Even though I'm practically sprinting down to the stables, I'm not stopped once before I reach my horses stable.

Rex stomps against the door loudly as I lead him out and jump onto him smoothly.

We canter through the gardens- avoiding guards at every post as we sneak through the gap just big enough for him to walk through before I hop on him again and we race off towards the bustling slums a few minutes away.

As I approach I can smell all sorts of both lovely and curious smells from vendors that seem to be selling all sorts of foods on the streets.

I tie Rex up behind a bush to conceal him as I run down to the town- securing my hood.

I stand out in the crowd because of my height. I'm 6,4 which I know isn't crazily tall but the people here seem to be pretty small.

As I make my way through the sea of people I take in my surroundings— children play in the streets with scruffy clothes on and bits of dirt on their faces but they seem happy here. Most people are at shops and if I focus on a little boy for a few moments I see him steal a carrot from a farmers stall.

Smiling to myself I watch as he goes back to his mother and she scolds him but with a small smile on her hollowed out cheeks that most people seem to have here- their all hungry but have shining eyes.

I only notice I'm not looking in front of me when a woman in a cloak barges into me at such a pace that we knock each other over.

I catch myself on my hands so I don't sustain much damage but I look over at her and first see her clutching her right side before I look at her beautiful face.

She has warm hazel eyes that sparkle in the sun, her hair is slightly wavy as I falls freely and she has very subtle freckles lining her red cheeks and nose. The girls eyes glare at me before she shouts.

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