We got your back

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(Sunsetlover77 This ones for you! All characters are hers. Also imma go name some of the other boys cause I only saw like maybe 4 or 5 so I'm gonna name them for you. But you can name them what you want. Anyway, enjoy!)

Rylee wiped away the tears that threaten to fall from her face. After loosing a homework assignment, she got a horrible grade in math and was crying a bit. She was trying to hold back her tears especially from the boys in English. If they saw her crying they would know something's wrong. She had to walk with pride. "Stay calm. And they won't know."

Rylee walked into class as usual. Gabe and Alex were arm wrestling, John and Joshua were playing the Nintendo switch, Henry and James were arguing about an old TV show on Disney Junior, Roger and Marcus were watching Hulu, Darius was on his phone and Tyler was looking directly at Rylee.

Rylee gulped and tried her best smile. "Hey guys." All the boys stopped what they were doing and looked at her. James walked over to her first. "Hmm, there's something different about you." Rylee started to sweat a bit. "W-What, what makes you say that?"

"I see ruined eye shadow." James replied as Rylee cursed herself. "Rylee, is everything okay?" Darius asked that. "Yep, everything's fine."

"You're lying." Henry stated as he eyed her suspiciously. "No I'm not." Rylee said while turning away from them. "Whenever you lie, you never look us in the eyes." Tyler said a matter of fact as Rylee turned to them. "I told you it's nothing."

"Okay then, looks like we're gonna do this the hard way." Tyler swooped Rylee off her feet. "Hey, Tyler! Put me down!" Tyler ignored her and dug his fingers into Rylee's sides. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA TYLER HAHAHAHAHAHA STOP!"

"I'll stop when you tell us what's wrong."


"I tried, I really did. Gabe, take over for me." Tyler handed Rylee over to Gabe. "Thank you!" Gabe replied acting like he just receive a new pizza. Speaking of pizza, "Oh new pizza. I need to cut it up." Rylee had no idea what he meant by that, but she soon figured it out when Gabe's fingers found her stomach. "NOHOHOHOHOHOHO GAHAHAHAHAHAHABE NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"The pizza is trying to get away. I NEED SUPPORT!" Instantly, Darius, Alex, and Roger held down her arms and legs. Alex was attacking her arm pits. "HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE ALEX HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU GUYS HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!"

"Can I get a turn too?" Alex stopped so Marcus can tickled her armpits. "NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO MARCUS NOT YOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOI TOOOOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHO!"

"Hey why does Marcus get a turn, I want mine." Joshua complained as Alex took off Rylee's shoes and socks. "Here's your turn."

"Thanks Alex!" Joshua immediately furiously tickled Rylee's feet. "Wow these feet are super ticklish. Hey John join in." He called out to his friend as John smirked and tickled Rylee's other foot. Rylee was still giggling her head off that she forgotten about one more boys in the room.

"Excuse me, I want a turn too." Henry whined as Gabe let him use his turn. "It's one last slice. See if you can cut the pizza." Henry nodded and viciously rubbed his fingers in Rylee's belly. It tickled way worse than Gabe's. "AHHHHH HENRY HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!"

"Alright alright boys let her up." Tyler said as the boys all stopped tickling. "AW!" They all said like babies. Rylee sighed in relief and held her stomach tightly. "Now Rylee, you're gonna tell us why you were sad today. Unless you want us to do that again." Rylee gasped and shook her head. "Then you better start talking." Rylee cleared her throat. "Well you see...I forgot to bring my homework today for math, and I got a bad grade for not doing it."

"So that's why you were sad at lunch." Darius said as Rylee nodded. Tyler hugged her. "Aw it's okay my little plum. You know there's always next time." Rylee purred in Tyler's touch but Tyler still noticed her sad face. "Okay, you're still sad. I'll have to go to drastic measure." Rylee widen her eyes and tried to get out of Tyler's grip. "Tyler, no! No no no!"

"Too late." Tyler planted his head into Rylee's belly and blew hard. Rylee laughed freely to the rooftops, the boys laughing along with her. Rylee banged her fist on Tyler's back to make him stop but he didn't let up.

Once Tyler was finished, Rylee smiled and breathed heavily. "There's that smile we know and love."

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