you slip in the shower (requested)

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Jungkook frowned as he realized how tense you felt when he put his arms around you from behind.

You just arrived home and you're feeling the stresses of your day catch up to you.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his lips brushing against your shoulder softly.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

"You feel tense. Why don't you go take a shower to help you relax? It might help you feel better."

As much as you wanted to just collapse into bed and sleep the rest of the evening away in his arms, you knew he had a point.

A quick hot shower might help to wash all of your worries and stresses away. You're desperate for that after the long day you had.

"Okay. Can we cuddle after?"

"There's nothing else I want to do more." He said and kissed your cheek before letting you go.

You grabbed some clothes and headed into the bathroom.

You started up the water, putting your hand beneath it to feel when it was at the perfect temperature so you could get under it without having to adjust it any further.

You undressed and got inside.

Instantly, as the warm water poured onto your skin, your stresses started to fade away.

You didn't rush to wash your hair or your body. You just kept your eyes closed and basked in the comfort it was bringing you.

But you remembered that Jungkook is just outside the bathroom, right in your shared bedroom, waiting for you.

And although you know he's in no hurry and would want you to take your time, you want to get out soon and get in his arms.

You reached for the shampoo and when you did, you moved your foot on the slippery shower floor.

You ended up losing your balance and you didn't even have time to register what was happening before you fell to the floor.

On the way down, you hit your head and your foot the worst.

The pain set in instantly and the fall was so loud that Jungkook heard it from the bedroom.

His heart was pounding in his chest with worry and fear. He rushed into the bathroom and over to your side, his hand falling gently onto your back.

"Y/N? Baby, can you hear me? Are you awake? Are you okay?"

You groaned as your head started to pound. You opened your eyes and found Jungkook staring at you with wide and worry-filled eyes.

He got up and grabbed a towel before he carefully helped you out of the shower.

Wrapping it around you, he let you lean against him. You couldn't stand, the pain in your foot was much too intense to do so.

Jungkook realized why when he looked down at your bare feet and he went wide-eyed when he saw how bruised and swollen it was. It looked terrible.

He was also concerned you might've hit your head. He gently brushed his fingers through your wet hair to try to find the spot you hit.

You winced as he touched it but to his relief, he found no blood.

"I'm taking you to the hospital."

He was freaked out and although it was hard for him to hide that from you, he also knew by the look in your eyes that you were scared and he was trying to stay calm for you, as hard it was.

"It's going to be okay. Everything is going to be just fine." He whispered and rubbed your shoulder as he helped you into one of his shirts and a pair of sweats before carrying you out to the car.

Your time at the hospital was anything but fun.

They looked you over and took a bunch of X-rays.

Thankfully, there were no signs of a concussion or any other serious head injuries. You had some painful bruising on your back and your wrist was sprained in the fall.

But those things seemed to be the best of your injuries.

Because your foot wasn't such good news.

You broke it, which wasn't a surprise at that point considering Jungkook had to carry you to the car when you left and from the car to rush you into the emergency room when you arrived because you couldn't walk on it.

You had to have a protective boot put onto your foot and needed some crutches to get around for the next few weeks until your foot heals.

"You need rest. Lots of it." The doctor said and looked from you to Jungkook.

"Oh, she'll be resting." He confirmed and kissed your head. "Because I'm going to be waiting on you hand and foot."

You rolled your eyes over his joke, which made him chuckle.

And after a few minutes later, you were finally able to leave the hospital and go back home.

Jungkook carried you inside and up the stairs to the bedroom. He put you down on the bed and made sure you had everything you might need during the night.

He made sure you had some water to drink, that your phone was charging on the nightstand, that you had some of the medicine the doctor gave you in case you needed it, and that you had enough blankets to keep you warm.

"Can we please watch a movie now?" You asked as he climbed into bed beside you.

He stroked your cheek as he gazed into your eyes adoringly.

"Of course, baby." He smiled and handed you the remote, letting you choose anything your heart desired.

He put his arms around you and playfully rolled his eyes when he watched the intro of your favorite film come on the screen.

"This one again?" He groaned teasingly and you nodded your head with a smile before putting it on his chest.

"It's my favorite."

"I know." He said softly as he played with your hair. "Promise me that if you need something during the night you'll wake me up so I can help you?"

"I promise, Kookie."

"Because I want to help you and I want to take care of you."

"I know." You smiled as you held him a little tighter, your eyes slipping shut as they became too heavy to keep open. "Thanks for holding my hand and staying by my side through all of that today."

"Always." He smiled and kissed your head. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." You mumbled as you fell asleep and Jungkook let out a breath of relief, so thankful that you were going to be okay soon enough and that he gets to be the one to take care of you through it all.

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