his birthday (requested)

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The delicious aroma coming into the bedroom that lingered in the air is what woke Jungkook from his peaceful slumber.

He looked beside him to find that you were no longer in his arms and then he looked at the clock on his nightstand to find that it was a little after noon.

He'd slept in today and you were more than happy to let him.

Not just because he's had a very busy and tiring couple of months but also because it's his special day.

His birthday.

To you, it's the most special day of the year.

It's the day where you get to celebrate him and shower him with love and kisses; something he deserves every single day of his life, but especially today.

He knew you must be downstairs making food so  he excitedly got up and brushed his teeth before heading down the stairs and into the kitchen.

He came up behind you and hugged you tight and you couldn't help but smile as he gave you the warmest and most gentle squeeze.

"Hi, birthday boy!" You grinned as you turned around to give him a loving kiss.

"Hi." He smiled back at you.

"Happy birthday, baby! It's the most special day of the year and I am going to make this one the best you've ever had!"

"You make every day  the best day of my life." He said as he kissed your cheek. "But thank you, baby. What are you making?"

"Lunch for you. It's your favorite."

He took a look at  it and his mouth watered over how delicious it looked.

"You can sit down if you want."

"That's okay. I'm happy right here, right now." He said as he put his chin on your shoulder.

He was so content as you finished his food and when it was done, rather than leading him to the table, you led him to the living room.

He hadn't even noticed when he came downstairs that you had made a blanket fort that you two could spend the day inside.

"Surprise." You smiled. "Do you like it?"

"I love it." He happily replied. "It's so thoughtful and so sweet of you to do."

You gave him a sweet kiss on his lips as he wrapped his arms around you again, trying to pull you as close as possible.

But you still had the plate of food in your hand, so it was hard to do, leaving him chuckling against your lips.

"Get in."

You watched him climb inside the blanket fort you made before you followed.

Once you were settled, you handed him the plate of food and hit play on your laptop, which had his favorite film ready to go.

His eyes lit up.

He felt so loved.

As he ate and watched the movie, you kept your head on his shoulder and stared at him so lovingly.

You were so happy to see him so content.

You know the boys will be over later to also celebrate his special day but until then, you were happy to spoil him and watch him enjoy every second.

He shared some of his food with you and then put the empty plate aside before you had him lay down.

You gave him kisses but not just on his soft lips, but rather across his entire face.

It left him laughing joyously and made his heart feel so full and all he could do was pull you closer and melt as you showered him with so much love.

"Happy birthday, baby." You said as you kissed the corners of his lips. "I want you to enjoy every second of this day. You deserve the whole world. I want you to be this happy forever."

He brushed his fingers across your back and stared into your eyes with his starry ones.

"I will be as long as I have you right here with me." He said. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." You said before giving him another kiss. "I could've done more for you today."

"No, this is perfect." He said. "I don't need anything extravagant. I just need you."

You brushed your hand across his cheek and felt your heart swelling in your chest.

You just love him so much.

And you can't help but wonder how you ever got so lucky; unaware that the thought was running through his brain too as he wondered what he'd done to deserve you.

You gave him a few more kisses before laying down beside him.

He curled up close to you and let his head fall to your shoulder as you both watched the film.

You ran your fingers through his long, curly hair and watched him with a look of love in your eyes as he became so content that he fell back asleep.

"Happy birthday, my baby. I promise to continue making this the best day of your life. You deserve the world." You said and watched him smile. "You're my everything and I love you so much."

"I love you more." He whispered and took your hand, holding it tight.

You realized that he wasn't in a deep sleep, just a light one.

But you didn't mind if he ended up falling into another deep sleep for a few hours.

You just wanted to stay in this moment forever with him and give him all the love he deserves on his special day.

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