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  Fawn examined her course list the following morning. She was taking seven classes for her NEWT levels: Astronomy, Transfiguration, DADA, Ancient Runes, Herbology, Charms and Divination.

Today, Thursday, September 2nd, she had Defense Against the Dark Arts, Double Herbology and midnight Astronomy. Though only three classes a day didn't seem like a lot, they were. The workload was similar to that of a Muggle university.

  James and Sirius were chatting enthusiastically about having Defense for their first block. It was their favorite class. In fact, there was chatter all around them. Everyone was excited about what the new year would bring. Smiles were painted on faces of every color, not even the Slytherin's were hiding the joy of being home. It was contagious.

  Fawn found herself laughing as Marlene made a joke about Professor Slughorn, and even managed to catch snippets of a start of year prank the boys were planning.

  "So the whole school or just Slytherins?" James asked, his voice rising over his counterparts.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Fawn saw Lily roll her eyes. The red-head really didn't like James' prejudice against Slytherin, despite the fact that it was one of the snakes that had single handedly ruined her fifth year.

  "Whole school," Remus spoke.

  "Yeah Slytherin hasn't done anything terrible yet. Give 'em a couple days."

  Sirius' distaste of the snakes was justified. His family had been horrible to him, and paired with the emotional and mental manipulation used to try to make him the 'perfect heir of Black,' well anyone would hold resentment.

  The truth was, if you weren't one yourself, you would never understand them. They were described as ambitious and cunning. Two traits, that, in and of themselves, weren't terrible, yet easily could be. Ambition often translated into a ruthless hunt for power, while cunningness made for mind games and lies. Gaslighting and manipulation, two of the most powerful forms of mental torture. A torture that most Slytherins were unfortunately familiar and skilled in.

  Not all were like this though. A fair few used their ambition for good marks and quidditch wins, their cunningness employed for debates, grade bumps, and getting the last piece of dessert. These types were few and far between, hidden in the shadows of Death-Eaters and other Pureblood-Supremacists, but they existed nonetheless.

  Fawn was unsure which of the snakes were which in this timeline, though she knew that in hers, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis were emeralds among the mould. But as she knew from many arguments with friends, there'd be no getting across to the gryffindors of the 70's either.


  As the day passed she found that nothing had really changed. The Defense class was still cursed. This year they had Professor Davies; a dark-hair man in his early thirties who had once been in Ravenclaw. He was a solemn person though he still made the lessons interesting. Fawn quite enjoyed him, although admittedly anything was better than Dolores Umbridge.

  The first day had been mainly a quick review of all their OWL years. Which was greatly appreciated considering no one had bothered reviewing after the strenuous exams.

  Herbology was the same as always. Professor Sprout, although twenty years younger, taught in the same way. Herbology had been one of Fawn's favorite classes, so she was glad that it was staying consistent. She also couldn't help but think of Neville during the class. The two had bonded over their shared love of the class that the rest of their house thought was bizarre. That, and the fact that both of them had been briefly considered for Hufflepuff.

  A wave of guilt washed over her. Her and Neville had certainly been friends but she realized that maybe she hadn't spent enough time with him. Fawn was always so preoccupied with Harry, Ron and Hermione that she often left the others behind. Poor Neville, she remembered, hadn't really had any other friends until that past year. She would apologize to him when she got back.

   That night they had Midnight Astronomy. They did not have Professor Sinstra, instead it was an older woman, Professor Lennox. She was nice enough, but did not begin to compare to the kind and encouraging teacher Fawn had known.

  The Professor spent nearly fifteen minutes going over attendance. Which this time Fawn was thankful for. Only because it was a way to get to know those around her, since everyone, except for the seven Gryffindors, were strangers.

  "Avery, Gavin." Fawn recognized the name. He was a Death Eater.

"Black, Sirius." That one needed no comment.

  "Bones, Amelia." She was a Hufflepuff prefect who in her time, worked for the Ministry. Fawn knew nothing further.

  "Briggs, Fawn."

  "Here," Fawn spoke clearly, a few of her peers turning to look. She didn't mind, she knew she was the new kid.

   "Evans, Lily."

  "Fortescue, Alice."

  "Lestrange, Pandora." Fawn didn't know her, nor did she know the name. She had to be related to Rodolphus and Rabastan, two Death-Eaters in both timelines, but her blue robes and dreamy look set her apart.

  "Mulciber, Dorian." Another Death-Eater.

  "Nott, Jayden." She knew Nott, that was the last name of one of the first of Voldemort's followers. This kid, though, seemed too young. Fawn knew that he wasn't Theo's father, but other than that she couldn't place the Slytherin. She just hoped he was pure of heart.

  "Snape, Severus."

  Fawn cringed at the name. He looked the same if not slightly more youthful. His face still stern and unwavering, eyes darting over to Lily in longing every few seconds, hair still greasy as ever. The boy that had insulted her best friend's father not even a few months ago. The boy who bullied Neville so severely that he had become the poor boy's boggart. Fawn despised him. No one had the right to treat people that way. She didn't care how hard his life was, there was no justification for his actions. There never would be.

  "Talkalot, Lucinda."

  She was a Slytherin girl. She seemed nice, Fawn didn't a chance to look because Lucinda was seated behind her and it'd be weird to stare.

  "Trelawny, Sybil."

  Fawn was shocked at that. Her former Divination Professor had always seemed so much older.

   "Wilkes, Cole." Another known Death-Eater

  The Professor consulted her list once more. "I see we have another student; Black, Regulus."

  Sirius took a sharp breath, his jaw clenching immediately. It would be the first time seeing his brother since he left.

  Regulus nodded. "Yes, Professor Slughorn suggested that I take NEWT level this year since I was so advanced. I also took the Astronomy OWL last year."

Professor Lennox just nodded. "That all adds up, please take a seat Mr. Black."

  Astronomy would definitely be an interesting class Fawn concluded. She just hoped that Sirius wouldn't get too out of control because of it.

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