Till Forever Falls Apart

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Sirius Black was pacing back and forth in the flat that he, Remus and Fawn shared. Regulus hadn't returned for Christmas and had only written two letters since then. Fawn tried to assure him that Regulus was probably just doing extra work but it was no use. Months had passed, it was now early April and there was no news of if he'd be back for the spring holiday.

"You're going to wear a hole in the carpet, love," said Remus.

Sirius pulled at his hair. "What if something happened to him?"

  "Nothing's happened to him, Sirius," Fawn answered. "It's seventh year, he's probably just busy." Neither of them believed that but there was no use getting worked up.

A patronus appeared in the living room, startling the three. "Uganda. Thirty minutes."

  Fawn sighed loudly. "I have to go. Try not to worry too much. I'll be back as soon as possible."

Regulus Flooed into the flat he'd become so accustomed to that past summer. Remus raised his head from his tea and offered the boy a soft smile.

"Nice to see you again, Regulus. Sirius is doing something for the Order and Fawn's on a Curse-Breaker mission. They should be back soon—Or at least Sirius should."

Regulus nodded tiredly. He had spent the entirety of the past four days at Grimmauld Place listening to meetings and performing small tasks. Luckily nothing too immoral had been assigned to him yet but he knew that as soon as he graduated things would take a darker turn.

"How long has Fawn been away?"

   "Two days. You know her career's unpredictable."

Remus accioed over a mug and raised the kettle. "Tea?"

   "Please, thank you." The pair sat in silence for a moment but both knew Remus had questions.

"Are you okay?"

Regulus sighed. "Yeah. Seventh year's just been stressful."

   The older boy laughed lightly. "Yes, of course. You've gotten your results back right?"

  All O's was what his report had said. But none of that really mattered now. Regulus was tied to two organizations he never wanted to join in the first place and that left no time for a career.

A crack sounded revealing a very dusty Fawn. She coughed.

"Welcome back."

   She wiped away the grime and scoffed, "Thanks."

Her eyes landed on Regulus. "Reg, you're back!"

   "I am."

    "That's wonderful!" She went to hug the boy but thought better of it. "I'm going to take a shower."

   Regulus laughed. "Good idea." They rolled their eyes at each other but both were grinning widely.

Fawn entered Regulus' room, newly clean, arms crossed. "Spill." There was no need to question what Fawn meant. She was smart, his excuses had been bullshit.

He didn't face her, he couldn't. Fawn watched as his left sleeve was lowered to reveal the thing she'd been so scared of happening to him. "I'm a spy," he said, "Dumbledore's idea."

The anger that coursed through the room was suffocating. Red was all Fawn could see. "That's why you weren't here."


Regulus felt arms reach around and squeeze him tightly. A head rested in the crook of his neck. "I'm so sorry, Reg."

  He turned to hug her back properly, basking in the comfort he hadn't felt in months. "It's okay. This will help you with your mission." It was true but such a sad fate to hold just to help someone else.

The pair just stayed, hugging one another for a while, saying nothing more. A few tears were shed but neither acknowledged it. The clocks downstairs ticked through the silent home. The mugs clinked against the counter-top as Remus washed them. Fawn sobbed.

Regulus held her tighter but both knew it was no use. She couldn't save him anymore. She thought she had but was wrong. History repeats itself in one way or another, this was another. This time Regulus would truly die on the right side, but like last time, no one except Fawn would know.

"I couldn't save you," she whispered.

"No," he spoke hoarsely, "I couldn't save myself. I chose this, Fawn. This isn't your fault."

She sniffed. "Fuck Dumbledore."

  "I doubt he'd be very good."

  She choked out a laugh and Regulus grinned. "There's that laugh."

"I don't want you to die, Reg."

He cupped her cheek, softly. "Hey, don't worry about that. Not right now."

   "But I don't even know what happened. All I know is that it had to do with the Death-Eaters. I can't prevent this now..."

"Look at me," Regulus commanded softly. Fawn's watery gaze met his calm one. "Your mission is to defeat Voldemort and save Lily and James. If I have to die in order to have the rest of the world saved, then so be it."

Maybe it was the high emotions, maybe it was Regulus' undying loyalty, but everything changed that night. Fawn leaned forward into Regulus' touch. Their noses brushed together. Regulus' hand tightened slightly against her face, pulling her closer. Their lips met softly.

There weren't any fireworks. It wasn't an 'aha' moment of clarity. It just...was. Two teenagers, who agreed to do anything for each other, falling into a love that could never be.

The two parted, staring at each other, their eyes dancing with devotion. "I'll be okay," Regulus whispered against Fawn's tear-coated lips, and for that small intimate moment, she believed him.



I really wasn't planning to make Fawn have a love interest but then it just made sense. I hope you guys like this new, very sad, development.

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