Chapter 16

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I hear an annoying beeping sound and I open my eyes I'm in a white room and from the smell I now know that I'm in a hospital and I start remembering what happened before I I really pregnant did I lose the baby if I did I will never forgive Ndalo and my friendship with her is officially the room I see Busani,Buhle,Mazulu,Sli and my father in law...Busani sees I'm awake and rushes towards me

Him:baby are you okay??

I try talking but my throat is so dry he gives me some water and I drink it

Me:I'm okay what happened

Him:baby you had blood running down your legs and you collapsed

Me:what was the reason for that to happen

Him:baby you were 3 months pregnant how come you didn't know

Me:were?did I lose my baby??

He keeps quiet

Me:Busani ngikhuluma nawe(I'm speaking to you)

Him:well yes and no...

I frown because I'm so confused right now

Me:what do you mean yes and no I'm so confused right now elaborate what you mean

He looks and his parents the looks back at me

Him:you were pregnant with twins and you lost one and if we hadn't rushed you to the hospital you would have lost both of them

I look at him for a while and I blink and as soon as I blink tears run down my face.... I lost my baby because the person I loved and called my bestfriend it's clear she doesn't want us to be friends she has taken away my baby from me and that stupid least one survived

Me:where's the doctor??

Him:do you feel any pain are you okay??

He asks panicking?

Me:no I'm fine I just want to ask the doctor something

He sighs relieved he asks Sli to go call the doctor and after a few minutes she walks in with the doctor

Dr:hey Mrs Bhengu hwi are you feeling

Me:I'm okay doctor everything is okay except me losing my baby....can I ask you something??

Dr:yeah sure what is it

Me: how long will be here for?

Dr:well everything is okay the baby is okay so we would only have to keep you for observation tonight

Me:okay thank you this means tomorrow morning I can leave

Him:yes ma'am but I would suggest you do not do hardwork and get some rest and not stress

Me:thank you doc that will be all

He smiles and leaves

Busani:why were you asking??

Me: for uMemulo ka Sli

MaZulu:baby you don't have to go you need to rest

Me:ma I'm okay I just want to attend it that's all

Bab'bhengu:usure ukahle ngan'yam

Me:yebo baba

He nods

Busani:okay baby if you insist

His parents along with Sli and Buhle go home to finish the preparation and I was left with Busani he didn't want to leave he spent the night with me


The following day:Saturday

Now I have signed the discharge forms and I'm packing my clothes ready to leave I cant wait for the ceremony....don't get me wrong yes I should be a least grieving for my baby but I just don't want to think about it too much so this will get my mind off it Busani walks in he smiles and I smile back at him he walks over to me and gives a kiss

Him:I see you're ready to go

Me:yes I hate hospitals baby let's go I already signed the forms

We leave the hospital and walk to the car we get to the car I buckle up and I see he is staring at I look at him

Me:baby why are you looking at me like that

Him:how are you feeling about losing one of the twins

Me:honestly I'm sad that I didn't get to hold him or her and angry at the fact that Ndalo is also part of the reason why I lost my baby and I don't rely think I will ever forgive her or give our friendship a chance again and I really don't know why she switched up on me really

Him:baby I'm so sorry for what Ndalo did I'm also not feeling good about us not having to meet him or her we will get through this together my love

Me:are you sure you are okay I mean you lost your baby too

Him:I will be fine sthandwa sam don't worry and we should be happy that we didn't lose both of them

Me:yeah that's truly a great blessing sthandwa sam

Him:a huge one and you're going to be a great mom yazi

Me:you too let's go so we won't be late for uMemulo ka Sli

Him:remember no working for you you rest until the ceremony starts

He says stating the engine and driving offline

Me:yes I remember baby

After 10 minutes we arrive at his house and everything is coming along together we get into the main house and we bump into Ndalo she looks up at me..

Ndalo:Yaya I...

Me:don't call me that!

She looks down and mutters a sorry

Ndalo:I heard about the baby I'm so sorry

Me:Ndalo your sorry won't bring back my baby and as for forgiving you I dont  think that's possible

I walk pass her and go to my room she better stay away from nxa....

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