Chapter 24

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Today my baby and I are getting discharged I'm so happy and with Nkosi I just feel content he is so cute I still find it hard that I'm a mother to this handsome baby well Busani offered to take me home and I didn't want to argue with him so I let him now I am packing the bags which consist of Nkosi and I clothes and when I close the bag Busani walks in



I give him the bags and go pick up Nkosi from the cot...

Him:have you signed the forms for you to be discharged

I nod and walk out of the ward leaving him standing there after a minute I see him next to me we walk to the parking lot and get into the car I strap Nkosi to his babysit thank god Busani thought about it I decide to sit at the backseat with my baby and Busani looks at me

Him:aren't you going to sit here in the front sit??

Me:no...can you please drive

He looks at me for a while and sighs then starts driving to the house after 25 minutes we get home and I take my baby and walk inside the house as he gets the baby I find his parents there well they will be staying here for a while since I need help with Nkosi and I know nothing about being a mother so MaZulu will help me

Me:sanibonani ma nobaba

Them:hello my child

His mom rushes towards me and takes Nkosi from me

MaZulu:baby don't you need to can go I will watch over Nkosi because he will keep you up at night for breastfeeding but don't worry I'll help you with nappy changing

Me:okay ma thank you I'll go and take a nap

I go upstairs and get into bed and I drift off to sleep.....after maybe about 3 hours I wake up and Busani is watching me sitting on the couch that's so creepy what the fuck is he looking at I get up and as I'm about to walk he ask me to sit on the couch he wants us to talk but I sit back on the bed


Him:Yaya I'm sorry for what happened I-.....

Me:you're not sorry because you want to you're sorry because you have been caught look I don't want your sorry do what you want Busani my focus is on my son not your infidelity so please back off...oh and please move your stuff to one of the guest bedrooms I don't want to share a bed with you

Him:I'm not going to do that this is my house

Me:okay no problem I will move my stuff then

Him:Yaya please let's talk about this

Me:what will it be??

Him:fine I'll move my stuff

I don't answer I go into the bathroom take a shower then brush my teeth and then go downstairs to breastfeed my baby and have dinner then I go to my room with Nkosi then lock the door after putting Nkosi to sleep I watch some movies on my laptop since I'm not sleepy


It's time I speak to my parents about Busani's behavior Yaya has suffered enough she can't be going through this after giving birth to their son I go upstairs to my room take my phone then I call my mom

Mom:Ndalo baby...

Me:hey mommy how are you??

Mom:I'm good baby and you??

Me:I'm great I wanted to talk to you about something

Mom:what is it??

Me:mom Busani's behavior is fishy he was happy with Yaya not so long ago and now he is having an affair with Ayanda saying he doesn't love Yaya anymore then Ayanda sents Yaya that picture and video with a message saying she told her he would come back to her mom it's obvious Ayanda used muthi on Busani that's the only explanation to this....

Mom:I agree with you mntanami I think we should call bab'Dladla he will give us answers

Me:mom call him now we need to solve this Yaya has suffered enough already

Mom:okay let me call now bye I love you

Me:bye I love you too

I hope bab'dladla will help us....


My husband walks out of the bathroom he just had a shower...

Him:who was calling you??

Me:Ndalo she thinks Ayanda used muthi on Busani to get back with her

Him:well I thought that too and I was planning on calling Dladla to come and help us

Me:I'm calling him now Baba

Him:yenzanjalo mkami(do that my wife)

I call Dladla and he picks up the phone after 2 rings I put him on loudspeaker

Dladla:MaZulu I have been waiting for your call

Me:you did


Me:we need you to come to my son's house if that will be possible

Dladla:don't worry Mazulu I'll be there tomorrow afternoon

Me:thank you bab'dladla

Dladla:kulungile usable kahle

He hangs up well I guess we will see tomorrow what has been happening with Busani

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