Chapter 5 - Status

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Now, what was engraved on L's back is called the <Status> or a <God's Grace>

Hestia used the sacred text and engraved it on his back two weeks ago, using her blood as a medium. This is a power that only Gods have and can greatly improve the ability of the target. Of course, there are also things like <Experience Points>. Those are gained through experiencing a variety of events so, just like their name implies, they are based on your own experiences in life.

This is not visible, nor could it be created by hands of a Lower World human. If we need to explain it, it is equivalent to the history of your own experiences. Gods would take the event hidden in the history, let's say <Defeating monsters>, extract it out, and allow it to become food for growth.


The value of completed events in quantity and quality is the <Experience Points>. To Gods, these are visible and can be controlled. Perhaps it is similar to the ancient rituals, that is after defeating enemies, you would be able to get praises and blessings. Once a sufficient amount of <Experience Points> was achieved, a Level Up happens and the ability values rise. This power is basically what the Gods gave to the Lower World humans.

"—T-Twenty billion years?! T-That's even o-older than my mother!"

Hestia was terrified. No, to be more precise she was absolutely horrified. Ever since she was born in heaven, she had never felt so shaken in her entire lifetime. A child that she had just taken into her familia two weeks ago. A child that was so pure even her eternal heart was utterly captured by him. A 14-year-old child whose only wish was to be a hero. Her cute Bell suddenly turned billions of years older than her. A mortal has surpassed a God. Quite 'literally'.

This revelation made Hestia so shocked that she even failed to notice the nearby 'stone chair' that suddenly appeared in the hand of 'Bell'. She was completely oblivious to the decision that was being calculated while a pair of dark eyes were studying her entire being each and every passing nano second.

"Ah—Hahaha it must be just my imagination, there is no way that can be true."


"Yes, that's it. There must have been a problem with the falna or something. Silly me actually believed it for a second."

Hestia decided to deny reality as she hit her head using her hand with a dumb expression on her face.

"N-Now let's see your status. The status should be norm—"

Bell Cranel (L)

Lv. 1

Strength: I 77 —> I 82

Endurance: Unknown

Dexterity: Unknown

Agility: H 148 —> H 172

Magic: Nullified


[ banned ]


-= Terminal =-

[Butterfly-effect Pursuit]

Grant Quantum Level Control

-Unlimited use with no cost, but all magic capability and mana will be revoked

-Authorization is relative to the user's knowledge and dexterity

-Access range is limited but code last as long as the soul is intact

-Effects are determined by the strength of the mind

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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