・・Before reading・・

581 93 63

Created by:

Kathy and Korina Marwin

Written and illustrated by:

Kathy Marwin



Book 1 of the humor series that'll make you either hate or love this genre - there is no in-between. Before you start, as the author, I am here to warn you that it only gets weirder. Good luck, and remember to stay sane as much as possible.      :)                     

- Kathy Marwin



of the book series


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PLEASE read all the DISCLAIMERS before starting the book. Thank you! :)

DISCLAIMER 1: About my writing style

My writing style is simplistic and has elements of both novel and script writing, but the book is written in a novel form. In short, that promises you a lot of dialogue, character interactions, and maybe a slightly faster pace. 

The reason I've chosen this is because I found it fitting for my novel. It makes the reading experience much easier, and I'm all for simplicity that works.

If you prefer books with more complex styles, that is completely understandable to me. I'd just like you to respect my decision. I write this way because I want to and because it feels right for the story I want to tell.  :)

My books are written to feel like animated TV shows. (And yes, the characters' thoughts, written in italics, would be heard if this was a TV series.)

DISCLAIMER 2: About the length of the chapters

You might wonder, if this is a novel, how does it only have 8 chapters? Well, the chapters here are all around 4k or 5k words long. 

This is, again, done because they are meant to feel like 15-20 minute TV show episodes, so when you read one chapter, you don't feel incomplete or like you've been left on a cliffhanger (the only exception is Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 since they imitate a two-part episode). I've chosen this length simply because I'm a big fan of animated TV shows.

DISCLAIMER 3: Other information

☆ For those wondering, yes - this book is weird and oddly specific. It has no restraints, and that's how I wanted it to be. I warned you in my little intro thingy, but this is just a reminder so you don't dive into something that isn't for you.   :D

☆ It is also illustrated as mentioned above.

☆ The cover for this book takes inspiration from manga and comic book covers. Other than that, the reason I draw covers myself is that I personally like hand-drawn covers.

Chaos Begins |One More High School Comedy, Book 1|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon