#5 The Lamb meets the Lion.

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"You can leave now, Yuna. I mean like leave and never show up here again." Sunghoon spoke loudly as she was facing his back. Yuna's brows knitted as she was confused on why Sunghoon is making her leave.

"What do you mean, Sunghoon? Did I do anything wrong?" She pouts as soon as Sunghoon faced her. He suddenly turns his back once again and rolled his eyes.

Jungwon made a sudden appearance that made Yuna jump. She was about to give him a warm embrace but he walked away before she even had the chance.

"We've actually found someone who can join the team. You can leave now."

Jungwon paused.

"You're no use anyway."

Yuna's heart dropped as she heard Jungwon spoke.

"I said leave."

"What do you mean Jungwon? Do you not want me here anymore? Who is this person? Aren't we a team?" She asked countless times while Jungwon cut her off making her hush.

"Since when did we have you in our team? Your cocky ass just gets in here without invite. Are you not embarrassed?"

"Plus we've already found someone better. Though you weren't even good to start with. She doesn't know yet but we're planning to give her something interesting and convert her into of us as she obtains her abilities."  He added that made Yuna dropped her things as she seethed obviously mad. Jungwon stared at her, almost laughing as he saw Yuna's face.

"Am I not enough here Jungwon? Why do you need to find a new individual if I you can just... t-teach me!" She spoke loudly that made the other five peek upstairs. Sunghoon on the other hand was entertained and found it hilarious as well.

"Stop trying to impress me with those anger issues you have and leave. Y/N has potential and you don't."

"Y/N huh? She's a fool! Why would you want her here?" She asks once again like Jungwon hadn't told her the reason why. She looked at everyone in the room individually.

"Use your mind, Yuna. She has much potential more than you do."The young man with a pretty accent chuckled as he fiddled his fingers.

You watched Yuna scream in agony as Jungwon pulled out a lighter and slowly put it up close to her neck causing her to cough blood as the fire spreads in every part of her body.

"Jungwon p-please. I can make it up to you, I'll do anything!" Yuna begged as the flames cover her up whilst screaming in pain. Jungwon on the other hand gave her a dull look. He has gotten bored with her lame offers knowing she couldn't keep a promise and the trust will end up to waste.

"Anything? Burn."

Yuna shook her head as she feels her body tearing up. She let out a loud wail as the burning reaches her deeply-cut gash on shoulder.

Everyone looked at her sneering but not quite satisfied with how she's suffering.

Within a few minutes, Yuna starts shaking relentlessly. Her red-hot arms were turning into blister as her body melts in the raging fire.

"You're a menace, Yang Jungwon!" Her voice trembles as she shouts.

"That's not what you've said before. Being a hypocrite, aren't you?" He spoke in a grievous tone.

"I guess this is what happens to reckless people." Someone added. He had ash gray hair and he looked pretty young and had a fiercely spine-tingling aura.

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