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"Bingo. The curiosity kills the cat."

Your body stood frozen as you heard the familiar voice speak. Your eyes widened while your mouth slightly dropped. The cold breeze the wind blew made you timid.

He slowly steps into the bright light, finally revealing himself. He was wearing your school's uniform, just like everybody else's. He cracked his neck left and right while the cold wind brushed his dark hair.

"Can't you believe this? You finally meet the man behind your nightmares!" He applaud as he walks up to you slowly while the others behind him followed his lead. You couldn't describe what you were feeling. It was something mixed with distressed, and nervousness.

It was frustrating as you felt his eyes glazed furiously at you. You felt like running away. But it's too late, he was already in front of you.

"I honestly thought you wouldn't come. You're quite... unpredictable."

He sneered as he slowly walks around you in circles. You built the courage to speak to him. "What do you want from me, Jungwon." He let out a lazy chuckle as he stopped walking and was infront of you once again.

"In a rush? I can't just tell you that quickly." He leans in and tilt his head. "Tragic isn't it?" He paused in a short amount of time. "Aren't you scared? You met up with a bunch of vampires. Honestly, I'm not surprised. You're dating a vampire so what's there to fear?" He spoke firmly as he pulls away his face near from yours, still looking at you.

"You're sophisticated, Y/N. You're much more than a girl living alone in her dorm. If you say yes to this deal I'm giving you, I'll welcome you to the circle."

"Don't worry, I'll give you time to think. But first, I don't wanna leave you clueless here." He put his hands on his pockets as he spoke and kicked rock and fallen leaves. "Will I benefit from this deal? Does it cost me something? The consquences? Tell me, Jungwon." You spoke fearlessly as you can literally feel your heart screaming as you talked back.

"It will benefit you. Alot. And it will cost you alot as well. Consequences? Is there even any? Who knows. First of all, let's say you would gain something from it. Lots of abilities and maybe spend thousands of years with the one you love?" He paused as he looked behind his back to glance at Sunghoon. "Will it cost you anything? Maybe. But us, we will be in charge with that. The consequences... the only thing I could say is you'll probably have a hard time controlling your thirst."

Does he mean about turning into you a vampire? For you, the thought of being a vampire wasn't even bad. But the regrets you might suddenly have was bothering you.

"Don't worry. As I said, think about it. But the reason we're here, is to convince you." He reassured.

"So Y/N." A unfamiliar yet familiar voice called your name as he stepped out the dark.

It was Heeseung.

"You'll gain something from this. Maybe we could rule this world, us 8. With you, we'll be much more vigorous." He sneered as he slowly step back to where he was. "We'll turn you into the biggest doubt of every person ever... A vampire. But first, you have to get into something vicious." You witness his red glowing fangs as he puts his face near yours.

"I'll think about it." You trembled in fear, hands were freezing and your knees about to breakdown.

The man infront of you heaved his face away from yours and shrugged.



Your brows knitted in fear as he talked. Not knowing what to do whether you should run or stay where you are. It was honestly hard to decide. It felt like your body was pinned to the ground. You couldn't even lift a single finger.

Burden | ENHYPEN x Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now