Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I stared down at the half empty coffee in front of me. I've been staring at it for hours.

Costanza suggested I stay until closing time. She didn't have to make me. I wanted to. At first, I didn't because I wanted to panic all alone, but I force myself to stay and her what they have to say.

Logan and Carly left. Carly asked if she wanted me to have her stay and that she was willing to skip class for me. I said no. I needed to talk to them in private. Logan was more than happy to leave me. He was texting me nonstop, making fun of me, and sending me dumb pictures of himself laughing. I blocked him.

"Drive safely." I heard Costanza voice say from afar. I heard a small click indicating she locked the door.

I lifted my head and glance at the giant window that Matteo once stood. Luca had a talk with him outside and were talking about me. How did I know? They stared at me the entire time during their conversation. Matteo looked hesitant to leave but I could tell that Luca threatened him to leave because of the look he was giving him. It was a terrifying look.

Luca disappeared and never showed his face. I thought he left but then I heard his loud voice somewhere in the restaurant. He was yelling really bad earlier. Some of the customers were frightened.

"Follow me." I jumped slightly when Costanza's soft voice spoke up.

She took a couple of steps away from me and gestured me to follow when she noticed I made to move. She gave me a small grin in reassurance. I reluctantly stood up, leaving my cold coffee. I followed Costanza and made sure to be a couple of feet behind her. I came to an abrupt some, almost crashing into Costanza's small body.

She opened a door and stepped inside, waiting for me to enter first. I stepped in and she went in, shutting the door softly.

Costanza walked past me and sat down on a black, leather chair. Her husband sat behind his huge desk with a deep frown, almost glaring at me. His elbows are propped on the desk and his hand rubbing his scruffy beard. The room was dim, almost dark.

I made no movement. I felt like he has to order me to sit down. You know in movies when the mafia leader, boss, don, the godfather, whatever the fuck you call them- you have to listen to what they say and if you don't or you disrespect you, they'll kill you or hurt you.

Wait a minute.

What if Luca isn't in the mafia? What if his parents don't know what Luciano does? Please, they defiantly know what he does. Well, Luca does. He looks like a mobster. I don't know about Costanza.

The whole room is intense. This is some godfather shit.

"Have a seat." Costanza broke me out of my thoughts and patted at the other black, leather chair next to her.

1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...I finally took a small step. And more small steps...and more...and more, until I reached the chair. I sat my butt down, near the edge. The leather chair made embarrassing farting noises making me feel hot on my neck. I intertwine my fingers, staring down at my lap.

No one spoke. It's so quiet, the only thing you can hear is Luca's hard breathing and the small farting noises the chair made when Costanza moved. I sat perfectly still.

"Are you a Mafia family?" I needed to know. I couldn't keep it in. There's so much tension in this room. I think I made it worse but oh well.

Costanza stared at me in shock. "N-"

Luca grunted. "There's no point in lying. She knows."

She frowned and her eyes showed sadness. "I hope you don't think of us differently." Yeah, like that's possible.

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