Ch42: Border Incident

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Nalani's POV:

I am flying over the mountain range with members of the Dragon Guard when we receive a priority communique. 

????: [This is Sakura Patrol 12 requesting immediate assistance. We're currently engaged with an unidentified entity attempting to cross the border. It...and attacked...citizens dead...enemies Markov...immediately.]

We all come to a halt, mid-air, as we try to contact the patrol but something's blocking our attempts. As we discuss what it might be I am contacted by Solis Commanders stationed in Markov.

Davina: [Lady Nalani, if you are receiving this I'm requesting immediate reinforcements within the Markov region. From what I can tell, we are being attacked by a vampire and beasts under its control. They are pushing forward towards Markov from across the border but I don't think it's a prelude to an attack from the Eastern Empire as the Sakura patrols have already confirmed that there aren't any other amassed forces within the region. The Solis Knights are currently preparing to engage but we won't be able to support areas alongside the border as it would leave the city undefended. As such I must request your aid-]

Me: [Have the citizens been evacuated already?]

Davina: [Those closest to Markov are already behind city walls, however, it is taking longer than expected to get those currently affected by the approaching battle to safety.]

I wonder if this is why the Queen ordered the Sakura and me to patrol the mountain range...did she know? If that's the case then that might also be one of the reasons why she dispatched the Dragon Guard here as well though perhaps I am simply overthinking things here. Whatever the case, we are here now so we might as well give our support.

Me: [Try to hold off the enemy as much as possible. Buy our people enough time to retreat to safety. We'll come to your aid as quickly as we can.]

Davina: [You have my thanks, Lady Nalani.]

The connection drops and I quickly update the Dragon Guards patrolling with me before making my way towards the supposed battlefield. The guards with me also follow whilst others maximize the alert level along the entire mountain range in case of another attack. Despite my quick response, however, by the time I make it to my destination, dead bodies litter the ground. 

Amid all the carnage, even from distance, I can make out the cause for this calamity. There, surrounded by blood, stands a female with two women dressed behind her in white. Above her head, an ever-growing ball of red seemingly fills itself with the blood of those around it that lie dead. I have no idea what she intends to do with so much blood but I can certainly see why Davina figured she was a vampire. There's simply no other species so fascinated with blood as to save it for future use. 

D-Guard: Lady Nalani, shouldn't we attack straight away?

Me: Do you wish to end up like the dead?

D-Guard: Uhh...No?

Me: Never charge in. We don't know how strong she is or why she is attacking. The few civilians that were here and failed to evacuate in time are already dead. We have no further reason to intervene immediately. 

D-Guard: But-

Me: Just watch for now. 

As I speak the sound of battle pulls my attention back to the matter at hand where I finally notice a few Solis Knights defending a family of survivors. They are boxed in by black, monstrous beasts but are holding their own, thanks to their commander. 


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