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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 had been rather eventful at Aviana's school. What started as a small gathering with just the sophomore students had later turned into a full-blown party after the principal came sauntering into the room with a small cake perched upon her hand. The rest of the teachers from the staff had strutted behind her with boxes of cupcakes and flowers.

And even as the day went by, students were constantly coming up to her, begging her to tell the story of her audition from the beginning to the end. Even teachers were pulling her aside in hallways or calling her up to their desks to congratulate her. Everyone was asking her about the audition and she had to repeat the same story over and over again until the whole school was aware of what really went down in her audition. Sometimes when she would get fed up with telling the same story, again and again, Bexley wouldn't hesitate to jump in and narrate it herself, making Avi fond over Bexley as the girl didn't seem to get bored of talking about her audition all day.

So when the school hours ended, her arms were filled with congratulatory cards and flowers. She even had to borrow a small tote bag from Farrah to put all the cards in because there were just too many for her to carry home alone, singlehandedly. Almost everyone had given her a small something, it could've been a small congratulatory card or a flower wrapped in a small ribbon and it made her emotional just how everyone seemed to care about her little achievement.

Even Aster, a sophomore who hated Avi with a strong passion had muttered a small congratulations and had thrown two sunflowers on Avi's table during English - knowing all too well that Avi was strongly allergic to sunflowers and any products made of sunflowers.

But Avi didn't care that he had gotten her the flowers she was allergic to, it was the thought that mattered.

The principal, madam Chantelle herself made it her job to deliver a small speech for the gathered crowd of students and teachers at the party, immediately making Avi groan.

"I couldn't be more surprised when Yeong-ho barged into my office last Friday" She laughed in between her talk, pointing accusingly at the Asian boy who pouted back at her. "I was going to give him some kind of punishment for pulling an incredible hulk against my door when he told me that Aviana had gotten through the auditions"

Madam Chantelle was a woman in her thirties. Dark skinned, dark-haired and beautiful smile - a lot of students in the school looked up to her. Despite keeping a strict and stoic reputation as a principal from the outside, Madam Chantelle was a very soft, kind and supportive woman on the inside.

"And let me tell yall" She gasped in a fake exaggeration. "I felt like my own daughter had just won the friggin world"

Avi first met Madam Chantelle when she was enrolled in NHH for the first time. Madam Chantelle had immediately taken a liking to the girl and offered to give her a tour of the school herself in hopes of getting to know her better. But boy, was it hard.

"I couldn't be happier for you Aviana" Madam Chantelle said as she looked at the girl with a soft look in her eyes. "I am so proud of you"

When Madam Chantelle first met Avi in the fall of 2005, she saw right through the closed-off and quiet girl and comprehended how talented and beautiful she was - inside and out. She had put Avi into one of the best classes, hoping her classmates would somehow be able to take her out of her shell. And as days and months went by, Avi started to break through an imaginary bubble she had around us, becoming more social and communicative with everyone. So as the years went by, Avi became one of her best students - mostly in extracurricular - which resulted in Madam Chantelle watching out for her and always approaching her with ideas for a career path or higher education.

𝑺𝐈𝐗, One Direction Sixth MemberWhere stories live. Discover now